Putnam, Connecticut Biographies

Rhodes G. Allen was born in Providence, R. I., June 5th, 1819, and is the fifth son of Rhodes G. and Rebecca C. (Bowen) Allen. He received a common school education, learned the machinist’s trade at Harrisville, town of Woodstock, in 1836, and remained there till 1846, when he went to Whitingville, Mass., but returned to Putnam in 1847. He engaged in the repairing business at the different mills, and was for twelve years employed by the Morse Mills Company. He then bought a farm, which he has conducted since. His first wife was Lucretia A. Aldrich. by whom he had one child, Lucretia M., who died at the age of 16 years. His second wife was Almira L., daughter of Deacon Elliott Carpenter.

Andrew R. Arnold, born in Warwick, R. I., April 22d, 1810. the eldest son of Philip and Catharine (Searls) Arnold, came with his father to Woodstock, Conn., in 1819. He was a machinist by trade and invented a number of valuable patents. He worked at Providence, R. I., Hartford, Conn., and Newark, N. J., at the latter place being 24 years connected with the Manhattan Fire Arms Company, He came to Putnam in 1883, where he died October 11th, 1884. He married Mary A., daughter of Captain John Steib, of Providence, R. I.

William H. Anderson, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 10th, 1845, is the eldest son of Joseph and Sophia (Reynolds) Anderson. Owing to the death of his father when William H. was 11 years old, his mother returned to her native county, Windham, and located at Woodstock, but came to Putnam in 1858. At the age of 14 he was employed in the cotton mills. At the breaking ,out of the war he enlisted in the 18th Connecticut volunteers for three years, and was eighteen months in rebel prisons. After the war he engaged in farming, and in 1881 started a tallow rendering establishment in Putnam, reducing the trimmings of beef and pork to tallow and lard, the bones of the animals being ground for chicken feed and fertilizer. He married Cora H. Green, and they have had six children: William H., Cora Lillian, Musa E., Hattie S., Mamie E. and Henrietta D.

The Ballard family in this county is descended from William Ballard, who came to Lynn, Mass., in 1630, and the first ones to locate in Windham county were two brothers, William and Lynde, who were sons of Zaccheus and Elizabeth (Valentine) Ballard. Lynde was born in Oxford, Mass., May 15th, 1774, and died June 7th, 182.). December 4th, 1794, he married Polly Bates, by whom he had seven children: John Bates, died in Colchester, Conn.; Nancy (deceased), married John George, of Thompson; Polly (deceased), married Jacob Tourtellotte: Winthrop Hilton, Valentine and Hamilton, all living in Thompson; and Martha, (deceased), married Frederick Miles, of Thompson. Lynde’s second wife was Amy Green, by whom he had four children: Sarah Rebecca, widow of Samuel Spaulding, of Putnam; Salem Lynde, Zaccheus, lives in Thompson, and Elizabeth, wife of Albertus Bruce, of Pomfret. Salem Lynde was born in Thompson May 8th, 1820. His first wife was Freelove Youngs, and his second wife is Harriet Scranton, a native of Woodstock, whom he married July 12th, 1846, and by whom he has four children: John Lynde, born in Woodstock January 19th, 1849, married Sallie Farquhar October 22d, 1873, and has two children, John Hudson and Sumner Salem, and is engaged in the sewing machine business at Wheeling, W Va.; Emma Luella: Louis S., resides in Worcester, Mass., and Arthur S. W., resides at Putnam.,

Marvin Barrett, son of Edward I. Barrett, was born in Woodstock, Conn., May 18th, 1826. At the age of twenty he learned the machinist’s trade, which he followed for five years at Harrisville. In 1851 he went to Worcester, Mass., where he remained till 1871. He then engaged in farming in Scotland, and came to Putnam in 1876, where he has since resided. He married first, Susan J. Wheeler; second, Lois L. Morgan, widow of Sanford K. Palmer.

Willis Bowen was born in Rhode Island, January 8th, 1808, and came to Thompson, Conn., in 1848. He married L. Maria Aldrich, and had nine children: Francis, resides in Portchester, N. Y.; Lawson 0.; Henry B., lives at Taftville, Conn.; Almira, died at the age of 19 years; Eliza, died aged 3 years; Amasa, died aged 2 years; an infant; Martha (deceased), married Smith Hall; and Sarah Maria, lives at Middletown, Conn. Willis Bowen died October 14th, 1876. Lawson O. was born in West Glocester, R. I., .June 12th, 1834. He was brought up on a farm, and at the age of twelve was put to work in the mills, which he followed eleven years. He engaged in farming in Thompson in 1856, and removed to Putnam in 1859, where he has since resided, excepting four years in Thompson. He was selectman in 1888. He married Marcia A. Bump, and had three children: One died -in infancy; Merritt Olin, resides in New Haven, Conn.; and Walter Allen.

Benjamin Brayton, son of George and Nancy (Randall) Brayton, was born in Johnston, R. I., April 18th, 1811. Owing to the death of his father, his mother removed to what is now Putnam in 1815. He was a boot maker by trade, but in his later years carried on farming. He died August 3d, 1886. He married Almira, daughter of Oliver Torrey, and had one child, Caroline M., who married Joseph Waterman Fisher, son of Willard Danielson and Olive (Brayton) Fisher, born in Killingly July 16th, 1848.

Elijah Carpenter, son of Elijah and Abby Carpenter, was born in Smithfield, R. I., and came to Putnam in 1851, where he died March 30th, 1869. He married Mary Ann Green and had three children: Abby J., wife of H. O. Preston, of Putnam; Adelbert, resides in Putnam; and Walter S., born in Greenville, R. I., August 24th, 1848, married Mary S. Ballou, and has no children. He was a member of the legislature of 1889-90.

Nelson Carpenter, born in Smithfied, R. I., May 1st, 1809, is the eldest son of family of twelve children of Elijah and Abby Carpenter. He is a mason by trade, and came to Putnam in 1859. He has been married four times. His first wife was Mercy N. Brayton, by whom he had four children: Mary Jane died aged 20 years; Emeline married William Phelps of Putnam; Nancy Maria, married; and Nelson, died in infancy.

David Chandler was a resident of Pomfret, Conn., and had a son Silas, who had a son, Charles C., who married Anna Cleveland, and had six children: Hannah, married Jason W. Fairfield; Mary, died aged 20 years; Lucius L., Louisa, widow, resides in Illinois; Palmer, died in Pomfret, Conn., and Albert C., lives in Woodstock. Lucius L., born in Pomfret, August 5th, 1809, married Louisa R. Clark. They have one child living, Louise, wife of William Moulton of Boston, who -was born in Pomfret, Conn., April 10th, 1834, and is the noted authoress. Lucius L. died October 25th, 1879.

Danforth Chase, son of Cromwell, was born in Killingly, Conn., August 13th, 1831, married Ellen Payson, and had two children William D. and Ellen, deceased, married George Dresser of Putnam. Danforth Chase died August 13th, 1866. William D. was born in Killingly February 10th, 1861, married Mary Buck, and has four children: Ellen S., Abbie L., Ida M. and -Mary A. -Mr. Chase is a farmer and came to Putnam to reside in 1888.

Albert A. Clark was born in Lyme (now North Lyme), Conn., February 15th, 183.5. He is the eldest son in a family of eleven children of John G. and Jane (Tucker) Clark. He is a carpenter. by trade. He worked nine years in Salem, Conn., then became a member of the 18th Connecticut volunteers. After the war he worked at his trade in Bosworth, Conn., and came to Putnam in the spring of 1874, where he followed his trade four years. Since then he has had charge of the poor houses of Thompson and Putnam, eight years in the former place and the balance of the time the latter. He married Alice P. Brown of -Montville, Conn., and has three children: Annie L., wife of Delbert Fairfield, of New Haven, Conn.; Rachel E., wife of M. 0. Bowen, of New Haven, Conn., and George A.

John D. Converse was born in Thompson, December 16th, 1845, and is the third son of Alfred and Eliza (Hutchins) Converse. His grandfather was John D. He was educated at Thompson Academy, and has always been a farmer. He was county commissioner from 1580 to 1886, and member of legislature from Thompson in 1878. He married Caroline Sumner of Thompson, and has no children.

Artemas H. Corbin, eldest son of jedediah and Hannah Corbin, was born in Charlton, Mass., January 24th, 1831. He worked at farming until he came to Thompson, in the winter of 1849. He learned shoemaking, which he has since followed. He came to Putnam in 1853, and worked at his trade till 1865, and then engaged in manufacturing shoes himself, which he followed till 1881, when he engaged in the manufacture of women and misses’ slippers and buskins, also woolen lined shoes for women. He served as selectman in 1889.

Ebenezer Covell had the following family: Sampson, Ziba, Oliver, Joseph, Benjamin and Abigail, who married Silas Tucker. Sampson had a son Arba, who married for his first wife a Burgess, by whom he had two children, viz., Sampson and Mary, who married Waldo Bartlett. Sampson (son of Sampson) was born in Killingly, in February, 1809, and married Lillis Bartlett for his first wife, by whom he had one child Arba, who resides in Killingly. His second wife was Lois Elliott, by whom he had one child, Albigence E. His third wife was Sarah Elliott, by whom he had four children: Benjamin, resides in Webster, Mass.; Louisa, wife of David Clark of Putnam; Esther, wife of George Locke of Putnam, and Elizabeth, wife of Rufus Chase of Killingly. He became a resident of Putnam in 1859, where he died in January, 1882. Albigence E. (son of Sampson), born February 26th, 1841, married Mahala J. Chase, and had four children: Elizabeth, died aged five years; Marcus, lives in Thompson; Horace E. and Willis. Mr. Covell has been a resident of Putnam since 1860.

Asa Cutler, the son of Isaac, married Mary Cady, and among his children were: Lodema, Sarah, Hannah, Mary, Benjamin, Asa and David. Benjamin (son of Asa) married Olive Buck, and his children were: Lodema, married William Barstow of Killingly; Asa; Olive, married Davis Torrey of Killingly; Dan; Mary, died young; George, died at Southbridge, Mass.; Sarah, married George Bartlett of Webster, Mass.; and Mary, married Joseph Robinson of Thompson. Dan, born October 26th, 1793, married Amy Bussey of Rhode Island, and their children were: William Henry, lives in Killingly; Caroline Maria (deceased), married Daniel Harris of Rhode Island; Lucretia Dexter, wife of Francis X. Aldrich of Stanton, Iowa; Benjamin and Horace Adams, both died in Killingly; Augustus, killed in the late war; Frederick; Mary Olive, widow of Elisha Davison, resides in Putnam; and Amy Ann, wife of William H. Sharpe of Putnam. Dan died July 10th, 1881. Frederick (son of Dan) born in Killingly, August 25th, 1829, married Georgiana Stead, and has eight children: Edward R., Dan, George M., Ira, Lizzie, Arthur, Alice B. and Minnie F. Asa (son of Benjamin), born in Killingly, June 8th, 1788, married Sarah Torrey, and had five children: Lucy T., wife of Horace Read of Putnam; Hobart C., died in Putnam; Tama, widow of Doctor Plimpton, resides in Putnam; Edward Adams, resides in Providence, R. I.; and Susan Davison. widow of Day Harris, lives at Putnam. Asa was engaged in cotton manufacturing at Oxford, Mass., but returned to Putnam in 1847, where he died March 7th, 1859.

Joseph W. Cutler, eldest son of job H. and Mary E. (Willey) Cutler, was born in Central Village, Conn., February 5th, 1541. At the age of 22 years he was appointed deputy sheriff, which office he filled for nine years. He was engaged in farming for the next three years, came to Putnam in 1875, and in 1879 engaged in the wholesale and retail wood and coal business, which he now follows. He was selectman in the town of Plainfield two years, also constable. He married Mary, daughter of Elisha Buck, and has one daughter, Annie G.

The Dresser family was originally settled in Roxbury, Mass., in January, 1639, by John Dresser, who had a family of six children, the eldest of whom was John, who married Martha Thorld. He had a family of eight children, and Jonathan, his second son, was born in January, 16 73 or 16 74. He had seven children, of whom Thomas, born November 7th, 1704, and who married Mary Chandler, of Andover, Mass., was the first one of the name to come to Windham county. He had a family of eight children, and his son Nathan, born January 12th, 1738, married Orindia Sessions and had the following family: Thomas, died at the age of 21 years; Nathan, died in Pomfret; Mary, Abel, Elfreyda, Huldah, Serena, Esther, Jonathan, died in Homer, N. Y.; Comfort, died in Vermont, and Orindia. Nathan died February 3d, 1805. Abel (son of Nathan) was born January 26th, 1775, and died October 27th, 18,59. He married Sally Brown and their children were: Horace, died in New York state; Emily, died unmarried; Joseph A., died in Monson, Mass; Sally, deceased, married John W. Adams, of Pomfret; Nancy, deceased, married Hiram Waldo, of Canterbury, Conn; Abel and Ezra, born April 14th, 1817, married three times, to Marcia Carpenter, Ellen Payson and Jennie Dodge. He has one child by his first wife, Frances, widow of John Harrington, who resides with him and has one child, Myrtie.

Lucius Fitts, second son of Daniel and Abigail Fitts, was born in Pomfret, Conn., June 28th, 1810. His father was a tanner, currier and shoemaker. On coming of age he engaged in farming in his native town, which he followed till 1875, when he removed to Putnam. He married Adaline S., daughter of Ephraim Tucker.

Shrimpton Gallup, fourth son of Martin and Ruth Gallup, was born in Brooklyn, Conn., February 14th, 1818. At the age of eight he commenced working in the factory, which he followed until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the 18th Connecticut volunteers, and was mustered out of the service May 4th, 1865, having lost his left leg at the battle of Piedmont, Va. He has been a resident of Putnam since 1828. His first wife was Amanda Brown, by whom he had one child, Andrew, a soldier in the late war. His second wife was Hannah Aldrich.

John H. Gardner, second son of Horace and Eliza C. (Annis) Gardner, was born in Manchester, Conn., November 25th, 1837. At the age of five his parents removed to Stafford Springs, where he received a common school education. At the age of sixteen he entered a general store, where he remained two years, then went to Hartford and was engaged in the dry goods business for fourteen years. In January, 1869, he came to Putnam and opened a dry goods store on the east side of the railroad, being the only store at that time in that side of the village. He sold out in January, 1579, and retired from active business. He was elected president of the Putnam Savings Bank in July, 1880, and has been director of the First National Bank since 1877. He married Mary Wadsworth.

Augustus Houghton, second son of Abel and Lucretia (Phelps) Houghton, was born in Princeton, Worcester county, Mass., November 18th, 1,922. He received a common school education. His father was a farmer, and he passed his life till the age of 12 years on the farm. At that age he entered a cotton factory in West Boylston, \lass., and at the age of eighteen he engaged in business for himself at Holden, Mass. He was at this point three years, and for the next four years with the Smithville Manufacturing Company. The next seventeen years he was superintendent of an envelope factory at Worcester, 1-lass. He then came to East Putnam and was till 1882 engaged in manufacturing yarn. His first wife was Eliza Roper, of Princeton, who bore him one child, Cora, wife of Albert Whiting, of Smithville, hass. He second wife was Elizabeth Hawkins, by whom he has had two children-Alexander A. and Addie E., wife of Dewitt C. Parks, of Putnam.

Richard Monroe Hoyle, son of Richard and Hannah (Standish) Hogle, was born in Thompson, Conn., June 27th, 1844. At the age of 16 years he enlisted in the 15th Massachusetts volunteers. He was wounded four times while in the service. After the war he engaged in mercantile business till 1883. Since that time he has been engaged in farming. He built the Hoyle Block in Putnam in 1877. His wife’s maiden name was Inez Carpenter.

Andrew Leavens, son of Joseph, son of Joseph, was born in Killingly February 11th, 1771, arid died June 28th. 1847. He married Elizabeth Davis and had seven children. The only one of these living is Andrew K., born in Killingly July 16th. 1819, married Lois Holmes, daughter of Samuel Holden Torrey. They have no children.

William H. Letters, third son of John and Charlotte Letters, was born in Warren, Mass., December 5th, 1842. He was engaged in the manufacturing business from 1864 to 1871 in Stafford, Conn. In the latter year he came to Putnam and opened a store for the sale of musical instruments and sewing machines. His present brick store, which is 20 by 75 feet, was completed in 1881. In December, 1886, his son, Frank G., became a member of the firm, under the name of Wm. H. Letters & Son. He is married to Emeline R. Skinner. His children are: Frank G., born in Monson, Mass., March 13th, 1865, and Charles M., born in Putnam May 14th, 1872.

Edward Mullan was born in Belfast, county Antrim, Ireland, October 26th, 1854, and came to America with his parents in 1860, they settling in Thompson, Conn. He attended the common school, also a private school in Putnam. At the age of twenty he engaged in the general store business in Putnam, which he has since conducted. He has held various town offices, was member of the board of selectmen in 1S80-S1, justice of the peace and registrar of voters. He was appointed postmaster July 18th, 1885. He married Eliza, daughter of Michael Sherlock, and has two daughters-Anna and Gertrude.

Danforth K. Olney, born in Ashford, December 17th, 1830, is the eldest son in a family of eight children of Thomas T. and Mary (Marcy) Olney. In his early life he engaged in shoe making, but at the age of seventeen went into mercantile business at Fiskdale, Mass. He afterward went to Brookdale, Mass., and finally located at Southbridge, Mass., in the grocery business, being a member of the firm of Edwards & Olney. This firm subsequently dissolved, and he engaged in a general store trade, the firm being Comstock & Olney. Suffering loss by fire, he severed his connection with mercantile business and was for three years assistant United States assessor. After this he was general agent for three years for a gas machine company in New York. He then for two years was in the hotel business in Springfield, Mass. In 1879 he came to Putnam, and for the next year and a half was landlord of the Commercial House, and from that time until his death, November 1st, 1886, he was proprietor and manager of the Bugbee House. He married March 7th, 1854, Lucy M., daughter of Wright and Clarissa Woodward, and had one child, Clara Belle. He was a member of the 45th Massachusetts volunteers during the war.

The Perrin Family.-The first settler of this family in this country was from England, and spelled his name as follows: John Perryn. He was born in 1614 and came to America in 1635, settling at Braintree, Mass. He had five children: Mary, John, Hannah, Abraham and Mary. John, his son, who died at Roxbury, had ten children, of whom Samuel, the second son, was born March 10th, 1671, and died in Woodstock, Conn., March 10th, 1743. He had seven children, his eldest son, Samuel, being born March 13th, 1697, married Dorothy Morris, and died in Pomfret, Conn., December 6th, 1765. He had ten children: Samuel, Lucy, died at 10 years of age; Hezekiah, died aged 38 years; Jedidiah, died in the West Indies; Dorothy, married Benjamin Leavens; Prudence, died aged 3 years; Chloe, Hannah and Abraham, all died single, and Daniel, died in Thompson. Samuel, son of Samuel, born August 20th, 1725, was a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, married Margaret Hyde, and had eight children: Willard, killed in the revolutionary war; Sarah, married L. Bartholomew; Hannah, died 2 years of age; Hannah, died young; Silence; Noah, died in Putnam; Lucy, married William Gary and emigrated to Illinois, where she died; and Jedidiah, born February 28th, 1775, and died February 25th, 1856. Jedi-diah married Diana Aldrich and had the following family: Huldah, married Lemuel Holmes; Caroline, married Pitt Holmes; Abraham, died in infancy; Lora Ann, died single; Diana, married Pitt Holmes; Abraham; died single; Lucia, the only survivor, resides in Putnam; and Jedidiah, died without issue.

Sylvanus Perry was an officer in the revolutionary army and lived in Killingly. He was twice married, and had the following family: George, died West; Anson; Sylvanus, died in New York state; Abby, married an Ormsby; Rebecca, married George Wadsworth, and died in Wisconsin; and Desire, died in Killingly. Anson, son of Sylvanus, was born October 5th, 1770, married Abalena Buck, and had ten children: Otis, died in Killingly; Charlotte (deceased), married John Truesdale, of Killingly; Ann (deceased), married Jason Wakefield, of Thompson; Lucy (deceased), married, 1st, Joseph Perry, 2d, George Chaffee; Rebecca (deceased), married Penuel flay, of Woodstock; Keziah (deceased), married James Youngs, of Putnam; George; David B., lives in Illinois; Sylvanus, lives in New York state; and William, lives in Illinois. George, son of Anson, was born in Killingly, September 30th, 1809, married Eliza W. Buck; and had eight children: Elisha F., resides at Worcester, Mass.; Mary E., wife of John D. Wells, of Providence, R. I.; Caroline D., wife of Francis B. Chaffee, of Woodstock; Martha A., wife of Elisha Rogers, of Montville, Conn.; James E., resides in Putnam; John H., lives in Killingly; Angie and Morrison.

James Perry came from Lebanon, Conn., married Lucy Perry, and had four children: Anson, lives in Putnam; Joseph, lives in Thompson; William S., and Lucy A. (deceased), married Elijah Ormsbee, of Providence, R. I. William S. was born in Bridgewater, Mass., October 16th, 1826, married Annie Ames, and had five children: William Francis, died aged 12 years; Eugenie, resides in Canterbury, Conn.; Charles, resides in Dakota; Mary Ann, died aged 25 years; and Ernest Leroy. William S. is a blacksmith by trade, and was a member of Company A, 6th Connecticut volunteers, in service three years and one month. He was wounded at the charge of Fort Wagner.

George A. Pettis was born in Coventry, R. I., July 21st, 1835. His father, Welcome, was born in Coventry, February 22d. 1815, married Celinda Rouse, and had three children: Isaac A., died in Amherst, Mass.; George A., and Mary L., wife of R. A. Turner, of Newark, N. J. He came to Putnam in 1836, where he died October 3d, 1863. George A. married Harriet Hall, and their children are: G. Albert, Jr., born in Putnam, December 22d, 1859, married Ida ALL Harris, has one child, Sybil, and resides in Putnam; Elmer E., resides in Putnam; and Nellie E., -wife of Loren Stockwell, of Douglass, \lass.

George E. Shaw, eldest son of George W. and Abbie (Carpenter) Shaw, was born in Thompson, Conn., January 20th, 1851. He received a common and high school education. At the age of fifteen he came to Putnam and engaged in the jewelry business with his uncle Edward Shaw. At the death of his uncle in 1876 he. became a member of the firm under the style of George E. Shaw & Co. He married Nellie S., daughter of the late Dwight Sharpe, of Pomfret, and has one daughter, Ruth E.

Dutee Smith, second son of Seneca and Nancy (Hunt) Smith, was born in Burrillville, R. I., March 13th, 1825. At the age of twenty he went to Douglass, Mass., where he was employed for fifteen years by the Douglass Axe Co. He came to Putnam in 1864 and engaged in butchering, which he followed a number of years; then owning the Elm Street House, he ran a hotel till 1887. His first wife was Eliza J. Dudley, and his second wife, Maggie Small. ‘His children by his first wife are Luella and Clara, both married and residents of Boston. By his second wife he has two sons, Luther G. and D. Roy, both residents of Putnam.

Frank S. Streeter, only child of Hiram B. and Persis S. Streeter, was born in Southbridge, Mass., March 5th, 1846. He has always been a farmer. He came to Pomfret in 1871 and to Putnam in 1880. He has been twice married, first to Mary A. Sherman, and second to Ruth R. Maynard. He has one child, Ethel May, by his second wife.

James B. Tatem, second son of Henry and Abbie Ann (King) Tatem, was born in Phenix, R. I., April 9th, 1836. When he was six years old his parents moved to Charlton, Mass., from there to Brookfield, afterward to Southbridge, Mass, and became residents of Woodstock in 1850. His father’s death occurring when the son was fourteen, he -was unable to complete his education, and engaged in shoemaking, which, with farming, he carried on till 1868, when he commenced wood turning, producing handles of every description, carriage poles, whiffletrees, etc. In 1887 he admitted his son John Nelson as partner under the firm name of J. B. Tatem & Son. The latter manages the business at the factory, but the office, which is connected by telephone with the works, has been located in Putnam since 1856, the senior partner having resided there since that date. Mr. Tatem has held several town offices in Woodstock, was deputy sheriff for ten years, member of the legislature of 1878, state senator from the 16th District in 1885 and 1886. In May, 1886, he was appointed state dairy commissioner for two years by Governor Henry B. Harrison, and was reappointed by Governor Phineas Lounsbury. He married for his first wife, Mary C., daughter of Silas P. Allen, of Woodstock. She had two sons-John Melvin and Henry A. He was married again to Angie S., daughter of Eli Kenyon, of Woodstock, and by her has two children-Mary Eaton and James Garfield.

Thomas Jones Thurber is a son of Henry Thurber and Mary Hope Jones, his wife, who came to Putnam in 1846 with seven children: Julia Hope, married J. S. Jackson, of New York, and died there in 1888; Henry Clarence, died in Putnam in 1851; Frances A., married E. S. Bugbee, of Woodstock, and lives in Putnam; Thomas Jones; Joseph Harris, lives in New York; Sarah Allen, died in Putnam in 1852, and Emma Louise, married J. E. Taylor, of Woodstock, Conn., now of Worcester, Mass.

Doctor Samuel Holden Torrey was the son of Reverend Doctor Joseph Torrey and was born in South Kingstown, R. I., and practiced medicine in that town and Killingly, Conn., where he died December 1st, 1786, at the age of 48 years. He married Anna Gould, of Branford, Conn., and had eight sons: Samuel Holden, emigrated to Rushville, N. Y., where he died; Oliver, died in infancy; William Gould, Joseph, died in infancy; Joseph, died aged 17 years; Oliver and Augustus, became physicians, and Erastus, went to Windsor, Vt. William Gould, son of Samuel Holden, was a farmer and was born in Killingly, Conn., June 1st, 1766. He was twice married-first to Sarah Cutler, second to Lois Holmes. He had but one son, Samuel Holden. William Gould died September 9th, 1849. Samuel Holden was born in Killingly, April 6th, 1796. He was a farmer and was married March 5th, 1828, to Rhoda Smith. They had but one child, Lois Holmes, wife of Andrew Knight Leavens, of Putnam. Oliver, son of Reverend Doctor Joseph Torrey, was born in South Kingstown, R. I., March 24th, 1756, and died March 7th, 1S43. He married September 23d, 1784, Tama, daughter of Daniel Davis, one of the pioneers of Ohio in 1788. They had twelve children: Elizabeth, married Rufus Davison, of Killingly; Daniel D., Sarah, married Asa Cutler; Lucy, died single; Susan D., married Jeremiah Dana, of Oxford, Mass.; George, died single; Sophia, died single; Hannah B., died single; Mary, married James Howe; Elvira, died unmarried; and Almira, married Benjamin Brayton, of Putnam, and is the only one living at the present time. Daniel Davis, son of Oliver, born February 20th, 1788, married Olive Cutler and had five children: Erastus, Joseph W., died in Putnam; Mary C. and Rebecca L., died young, and Walter D., died in Manchester, Conn. Daniel Davis married for his second wife Susan Bishop, her mother being a Torrey. They had one child, Daniel D., who died at the age of 17 years. His third wife was Mrs. Eliza Davis, by whom he had one child, Abigail, who married Moses B. H. Bishop. Daniel D. died October 20th, 1860. Erastus, son of Daniel Davis, was born in Killingly, June 28th, 1814, married Sybil Alton and had three children: Charles Davis, George Louis, died in infancy, and Olive E., wife of Silas L. Babbitt, of Putnam. Erastus died December 23d, 1885. Charles Davis, son of Erastus, born in Pomfret, March 8th, 1840, married Martha W. Warren and had five children: Charles Louis, Martha Louise, wife of Irving P. Spencer; Ernest Ellsworth, Olin W. and Corrina J., died in infancy. Charles Davis was engaged in mercantile business in Killingly, and is now a farmer in Putnam. He is located on a farm that has been in the family since 1713. He was a member of the house of representatives in 1886-87.

Jerome Tourtelotte, eldest son of Joseph D. and Dinah (Mun yan) Tourtelotte, was born in Thompson, Conn., June 10th, 1837W His father being a farmer he spent his early life on a farm. At the age of sixteen he learned the shoemaker’s trade, but at the breaking out of the war he enlisted in Company A, 2d Regiment of Connecticut Infantry for three months as a private May 7th, 1861. At the expiration of his term of enlistment he returned to Putnam and raised a company which became Company K, 7th Regiment of Connecticut Infantry, was commissioned September 2d, 1861, first lieutenant, and was made captain February 21st, 1862. He was severely wounded at Fort Wagner, July 11th, 1863, and taken prisoner. He spent twenty months in rebel prisons, principally at Columbia, S. C., was exchanged March 1st, 1865, and commissioned major March 21st, 1665, and lieutenant-colonel July 24th, 1 86.5, and mustered out of service August 12th, 1865. After the war he returned to Putnam, butt from March, 1866, to July, 1873, was employed by the A. & W. Sprague Manufacturing Company at Cranston, R. I., in the position of outside superintendent. He then returned to Putnam and engaged in the manufacture of slippers, which he followed till March, 1850, when he was elected treasurer of the Putnam Savings Bank, which position he now fills. He was a member of the Connecticut house of representatives in 1875 and 1880. He married in November, 1874, Emily E., daughter of Edward Husband, of North Adams, Mass., and has three boys: Leroy, Arthur and Harry.

Matthias W. Wagner was born in Germany, October 15th, 1827. At the age of sixteen, with his elder brother John, he came to America, landing at Quebec, Canada, where he remained for a short time, then went to Albany, N. Y. He was apprenticed to the tailoring trade in the old country, and worked as journeyman in various towns in New England, and finally located at Southbridge, Mass., where he went into business for himself. He was also in business at Hudson, Mass. He came to Putnam in 1868, and carried on the retail ready made and custom made clothing business till 1875. Since that time he has been engaged in building and buying and selling real estate. He married Louisa Collars, by whom he had three children: Henry Edward, died aged 16 years; Emma E., wife of George S. Bradley, of West Haven, Conn., and Charles Philip.

Edgar Mason Wheaton, eldest son of Angell and Mary Ann (Williams) Wheaton, was born in Pomfret, Conn., April 28th, 1851. His father’s two eldest brothers went to Illinois in an early day, settling about twenty-five miles from Chicago, the place where they located being named Wheaton. A college was formed there, called Wheaton College, and our subject graduated from that college. He returned to Putnam in 1872, and engaged in building, and in 1880 erected his present shop and commenced to manufacture sashes, doors and blinds. He has built many dwelling houses and business blocks in Putnam. His residence is on the top of Oak hill, and he has laid out an addition to the village of Putnam, located between Grove, Chapman, South plain and Center streets, consisting of 54 building lots, streets having been graded. The property was formerly known as Davis’ Grove, afterward as Bradley’s Grove, and subsequently Mechanics’ Park. In his shop he employs thirty-five hands, uses a twenty horse power engine, and does planing and sawing of every description. He married Charity, daughter of Timothy Jayne, a native of Illinois, and has the following children: Mary, Frank, Walter, Henry, Willie and Raymond.

Horatio Whipple, second son of Bela and Mehitable (Grant) Whipple, was born in Cumberland, R. I., January 8th, 1821. He has always been engaged in farming, and came to Putnam in 1841. His first wife was Mrs. Henry Hopkins, by whom he had two children: Mary, wife of Horace E. Hurlburt of Putnam, and Martha, died in infancy. By his second wife, Sarah Ann Page, he has one child, Hattie E.

Edwin R. Wood, eldest son of Francis B. and Sophia (Hall) Wood, was born in Ludlow, Mass., November 3d, 1833. At the age of six he went to live with his uncle William R. Hall in the town of Chaplin. He came to Putnam in 1849. He has always been a farmer. He enlisted in Company B, 18th Connecticut volunteers for three years, and was discharged in May, 1865. He lost his leg at the Battle of Lynchburg, Va., June 18th, 1864. His first wife was Harriet White, whose children were Albert Edwin, died aged 3 years; Joseph R., resides in Westfield, Mass., and Jerome, resides in Southampton, Mass. By his second wife, Abby E. Cruff, he has had children: Elma C., resides in Putnam, and Edwin L.

Alfred H. Wright, second son of Daniel C. and Agnes (Lyon) Wright, was born in Waltham, Mass., June 13th, 1859. He graduated from the Waltham High School in 1873. His father being engaged by the American Watch Company, he was apprenticed at the age of sixteen to learn the watchmaker’s trade. He was employed by the American Watch Company till 1882, and from that time till 1885 was employed by the Hampden Watch Company of Springfield, Mass.’ In connection with his twin brother, Albert C., in 1883, he established a retail jewelry business in Putnam, under the firm name of Wright Brothers and in 1885 he came to Putnam to reside. His brother’s death occurred June 19th, 1888, and though the firm name remains the same, it consists only of Alfred H. Wright.

Additional Offsite Biographies

Source: History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889

1 thought on “Putnam, Connecticut Biographies”

  1. Hello,
    Does anyone know of Tatem family of wood turners who made baseball bats of exceptional quality during the mid-20th century there in Putnam Conn. or surrounding region ? Doing preparatory research for book I’m writing on professional baseball bats. Would appreciate any and all information available.

    Roy Spencer

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