
Chapter sketches, Connecticut Daughters of the American revolution - patriots' daughters

Chapter sketches, Connecticut Daughters of the American revolution; patriots’ daughters

Just a word is needed in volume second of Chapter Sketches in explanation of its title, — Patriots’ Daughters — also called Real Daughters and True Daughters. (See the first volume, Patron Saints).The women whose biographies are here presented are the daughters of men who served in the American Revolution and they are honorary members of Connecticut chapters and of the National Society, D. A. R. As a testimonial of this membership the National Society presents to each Real Daughter, all over the country, the highly-prized souvenir gold spoon.

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Chapter sketches, Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution; patron saints

Chapter sketches, Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution, vol 1, Patron Saints

Memoirs of the women standing beside their men during the Revolutionary War. As a state, Connecticut had less reason to complain of the mother-country than had Massachusetts. Its charter made it substantially a self-governing, free state and its rights were not threatened, and, after the repeal of the stamp act, there was no overt act at which it could take alarm for itself. Its people joined the cause largely from principle and sympathy, yet it furnished as large a quota in proportion to its population as did any other state. The characteristic of the Revolutionary spirit in Connecticut, that it was more than elsewhere a matter of principle — even of sentiment — makes the part that women bore in it more significant in our own state than it was elsewhere.

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Huntington papers

Huntington Papers

The Huntingtons of Norwich are one of the noted families of Connecticut, and the period of the Revolution is recognized as one of the most important in the history of this country. The correspondence here published, consisting as it does of letters written in large part by and to two Huntington brothers during the Revolutionary War, when one of them was in active service in field and camp and the other, perhaps no less active, in the necessary occupations of home pursuits and business affairs, relating in part to the war, makes a volume of wide and lasting interest and value.

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Lists and Returns of Connecticut Men in the Revolution

Lists and Returns of Connecticut Men in the Revolution

The major part of Lists and Returns of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, as its title might indicate, is composed of officially written lists and returns of soldiers who were serving in the Continental regiments of the “Connecticut Line.” There are also some rolls of companies in service which had not previously been printed, particularly in 1782 and 1783. Comparatively few new names of soldiers or additional records of service are printed in this volume. Its chief value will be found to consist in the addition in the case of a great majority of the soldiers, of the name of the town from which the soldier came. This will supply much sought for information, and in many cases will doubtless serve to identify the soldier.

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Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1775-1783

Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution

This book introduces a supplement to the 1889 volume “Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution,” edited by Prof. Henry P. Johnston, which includes new rolls and additional information not found in the original volume. The arrangement of the material closely follows the original volume, and some companies credited to the Militia may prove to have served as State Troops. The supplement is essentially a list of soldiers who served, along with an account of their service and records to aid in identifying them. The index lists all names spelled exactly as they appear in the text, with a few exceptions for abbreviations and misspellings. The supplement omits irrelevant information such as the cost of equipment and the total amount disbursed by a captain for the wages and expenses of the men in his company. The manuscript of each roll’s location is given, allowing interested readers to find additional information by referring to the originals.

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Orderly Book and Journals kept by Connecticut Men while taking part in the American Revolution 1775-1778

Orderly Book and Journals kept by Connecticut Men

From 1860-1932 the Connecticut Historical Society published a series of books they called “Collections.” Volume VII of this work was published in 1899 and contains the Orderly Book and Journals kept by Connecticut Men while taking part in the American Revolution 1775-1778. This collection of journals consists of 9 distinct journals and orderly books

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Connecticut Military Record, 1775-1848

Connecticut Military Record, 1775-1848

Connecticut Military Record, 1775-1848 is a short title given to a longer manuscript awkwardly titled Record of service of Connecticut men in the I. War of the Revolution, II. War of 1812, III. Mexican War. The title is so done as the book comprises two distinct volumes in one book, the first on the Revolutionary war, and then the second combines the War of 1812 and the Mexican war records into one volume. If you believe your ancestor who resided in Connecticut served in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, or Mexican War, than this book should include them. The list of men is quite exhaustive.

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A historical collection from official records during the War of the Revolution

A historical collection from official records, files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut, during the war of the revolution

This book discusses a historical collection that documents Connecticut’s involvement in the Revolutionary War. The compiler of this collection faced a challenging task of sifting through poorly preserved records and files to compile an accurate history of the state’s contribution. Despite the difficulty, the compiler believes that the collection will provide readers with new and interesting facts about their ancestors’ deeds during the war. The collection includes a general history of Connecticut’s involvement, as well as an epitome of all the acts of the General Assembly and the Governor and his Council of Safety or Council of War until May 1778. The compiler has faithfully followed the language and orthography of the original records. Additionally, the article notes that Connecticut’s contributions to the war have not been fully recognized in historical accounts, and the compiler seeks to highlight the state’s importance in the revolutionary struggle. Finally, the manuscript is indexed starting at page 629 and mentions prominent men who participated in the war.

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Connecticut Soldiers in the Pequot War of 1637

The plan of the compiler is to present, for the first time, a complete list of the Connecticut soldiers in the Pequot War, as given in various compilations of the several authors who have made a special study of the subject in connection with the history of one or more of the three river towns; together with the places from which they are said to have enlisted and the authority for the same. We have not attempted to verify their work, further than to examine carefully the printed Colonial Records of Connecticut for statements as to service in connection with grants of land therefor. For the sake of identification, a brief historical record of each man is given, with references from which further history may be had. In many cases we could have easily enlarged the number of references, but considered it unnecessary to do so. We have, in some cases, cited references that contradict each other as to the history of the men, thus enabling the reader to consider, if desired, these various statements before coming to a conclusion. Parker’s manuscript, hereinafter cited, we believe, has never been published, and its importance will be seen when we state that it gives the names of nine men not included in any other list of those who served in the Pequot War from Connecticut.

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Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut vol 3

Volume 03 – 1678-1689

Volume 3 of the public records of the Colony of Connecticut contains the proceedings of the General Court from the election in May, 1678, to the close of the special session called in June, 1689, to proclaim the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England. By the resolve which authorized this publication the editor was instructed to include “a selection from such documents” in the State archives, as illustrate the history of the colony during the usurpation of Sir Edmund Andros.”

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