A historical collection from official records, files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut, during the war of the revolution

It was with reluctance that the compiler of this collection of Historical facts, undertook his herculean task ; he had to wade through an immense mass of records, old files of petitions, letters, depositions, reports, &:c. &c., many of which papers had been illy preserved in the offices of the Secretary of State and Comptroller ; and many were mutilated and torn, and difficult to decipher. The compiler flatters himself that he has not performed a useless task to the State. Many of the facts contained in this collection, will be found new and interesting to most of the present generation ; the whole work will give a livelier character to the deeds of their ancestors during this eventful struggle for liberty and independence. The work contains about 100 pages of general history, so far as Connecticut was concerned in the war of the revolution. Then follows an epitome, not only of all the acts of the General Assembly, relating to the war, but also of the acts of the Governor and his Council of Safety, or Council of War, until May, 1778, as taken from the original records in the Secretary’s office.

The language of the records and files, and in some instances the orthography, has been faithfully followed by the compiler.

Connecticut, though one of the great producing States during the war, not only of provisions, but of men and money to carry on the contest, has never had her full merit recognized, in any historical notice yet published, of that eventful time that so thoroughly tried men’s souls. It has, therefore, been the object of the compiler to rescue from oblivion, a sufficient amount of authentic facts, to place the citizens of our own State on their true ground, as among the earlier, most zealous, and efficient movers of that physical and moral machinery, which tore America from the cruel embrace of England.

A historical collection from official records, files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut, during the war of the revolution : with an appendix, containing important letters, depositions, &c., written during the war

While a largely historical look at Connecticut’s participation in the Revolutionary War, mention is made of many of the men who participated prominently. This manuscript is indexed starting at page 629.


Hinman, R. R., A historical collection from official records, files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut, during the war of the revolution : with an appendix, containing important letters, depositions, &c., written during the war; Hartford : Printed by E. Gleason, 1842.

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