Volume 03 – 1678-1689

Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut vol 3
Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut vol 3

This volume contains the proceedings of the General Court from the election in May, 1678, to the close of the special session called in June, 1689, to proclaim the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England. By the resolve which authorized this publication the editor was instructed to include “a selection from such documents” in the State archives, as illustrate the history of the colony during the usurpation of Sir Edmund Andros.” The space thus occupied may, at first sight, seem disproportionately large; but it must be considered, that it was in no other way possible to fill the break in the records, occasioned by the suspension of charter government from October, 1687, to May, 1689. For two or three years immediately preceding that period, the proceedings of the General Court afford little insight into the course of events in the colony. Circumstances had imposed the necessity of the utmost caution. Those subjects which most nearly concerned the welfare of the colony and which may be supposed to have almost exclusively engrossed the attention of the court, are rarely mentioned in the records. The omission ceases to be remarkable, when it is remembered that every page was written in the expectation that it might soon be subjected to the scrutiny of an arbitrary governor, or be made the basis of new ‘ articles of misdemeanor’ by Randolph or his coworkers. It was more prudent to leave even the reasons for the annual fast or thanksgiving ‘upon the file,’ than to record them in full, for possible occasions of offence to Governor Dongan, a papist, or Sir Edmund Andros, a high tory and high churchman.

With what degree of success the deficiencies of the records have been supplied will be best determined by an examination of the volume itself. No pains have been spared to present a documentary history of the period referred to, as complete as possible. To effect this, every document which is preserved in the Connecticut archives has been carefully examined, and either printed in full or a sufficient abstract given. In addition to this, much valuable material has been gathered from other sources. The Laws enacted for New England, by Andros and the council, are now for the first time printed, from a copy fortunately discovered in the library of Yale College. Gershom Bulkeley’s curious narrative, entitled “Will and Doom,” &c., has supplied some interesting particulars of the opening and closing scenes of the administration of Andros in Connecticut, which are not to be found elsewhere. The volumes of “Usurpation” Papers, in the Secretary’s office at Boston have been examined in detail, and all needful copies or extracts made therefrom. The invaluable collection of ” Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York,” procured through the agency of Mr. Brodhead from the State Paper Office in London, has contributed copies of several important papers. The articles of misdemeanor, exhibited by Randolph against the colony, and the letter from the governor and council to the Earl of Sunderland which was construed as a surrender of the charter, — both of which are indispensable to a connected history of the period, — are reprinted from Chalmers’ Political Annals.

At the end of the Appendix, are printed such portions of the Records of the Commissioners of the United Colonies as are not comprised in Mr. Hazard’s publication.

The Colony Records for the entire period comprised in this volume are in the hand writing of the secretary, John Allyn. In transcribing them, the same liberties have been taken, with punctuation, in the disuse of capital letters, and the rejection of the short &, as in the earlier volumes. In other respects, the peculiarities of the original records have been closely followed.

Repetitions are printed in italics. Omissions are indicated by a caret, or by the conjectural restoration of the missing words in italics, within brackets. Words in brackets, in ordinary type, offer conjectural readings, where portions of the original are mutilated or defaced, or mark corrections of the text by coUatioa with the original document from which the record was made.

Two or three orders and public acts which Mr. Allyn omitted to record, have been restored to their places, on the authority of cotemporary and authorized copies: but such additions to the record have, in each instance, been noted, and so printed as to distinguish them from the record itself.




I. Capt. Wait Winthrop’s petition in behalf of the proprietors of the Narragansett lands; May p. 257

II. Letter from Gov. Andros to Gov. Leete; declines to interfere, to procure the return of captives, by the Mohawks, Sept. 28, 258

III. Gov. Leete and John Allyn, to Gov. Andros, in reply; Oct. 9, 1678 p. 259

IV. Address to the King; Oct. 10 p. 260

V. Gov. Leete to Major Robert Thomson, enclosing the address to the King; Oct. 23 p. 261

VI. Gov. Leete and Mr. Allyn, to Gov. Andros — urging him to employ his influence with the Mohawks, for the return of the Natick captives; Oct. 29 p. 262

VII. Gov. Andros, to Gov. Leete and Mr. Allyn, in reply; Nov. 18th, 263


VIII. Order for suspending intercourse with New York, during the prevalence of small pox there; April 7 p. 264

IX. Gov. Leete and Council, to Governor and Council of Rhode Island — protesting against settlements in the Narragansett country; April 7 p. 265

X. Governor and Council of Rhode Island, in reply to the preceding; April 21 p. 266

XI John Saffin to Secretary Allyn — proceedings in Rhode Island, against the Narragansett proprietors, &c.; May 23 p. 267

XII. Richard Smith, of Wickford, to Mr. Allyn — same subject; same date p. 269

XIII. Letter from the King; concerning the Narragansett country, Mount hope, &c.; Feb. 12 p. 269

XIV. Governor and Council, to Governor and Council of Massachusetts; the King’s letter — Mount Hope likely to be lost — a meeting of the commissioners proposed; July 5 p. 272

XV. Secretary Allyn to John Saffin; the Court has resolved to pursue the outing of the Rhode Islanders — the King’s letter — an agent to be sent to England, &c.; July 7 p. 273

XVI. Indian Testimony about Pawcatuck and Narragansett River; taken, August 15 p 274

XVII. Gov. Leete’s protest against the Governor and magistrates of Rhode Island, holding court at Westerly; Sept. 16 p. 276

XVIII. Gov. Cranston, of Rhode Island, to Gov. Leete, in reply; Sept. 17, 277

XIX. Address to the King. Mr. Harris sent as the colony’s agent; Oct 9, 278

XX. Gov. Cranston to Gov. Leete and Council; the Avesterly line of the Rhode Island patent is to be run, &c.; Oct. 29 p. 280

XXI. Gov. Leete to Gov. Cranston, in reply; an agent will be sent to England — meantime, Connecticut will consent to no other line than that stated in the charter; Dec. 11 p. 280

XXII. Lords of the Council, to the Governor and magistrates; complaint of John Wampus, respecting lands inherited from Romanock, sachem of Aspatuck, &c.; March 28, (Received May 17,1680,) . 281


XXIII. Sir Edmund Andros to Gov. Leete — Fisher’s Island claimed for the Duke of York; March 29 p. 283

XXIV. From the same — about Col, Goffe, who is said to be concealed at Hartford; May 18 p. 283

XXV. Governor and Assistants to Gov. Andros, in reply; June 11, 285

XXVI. Rhode Island boundary dispute. Abstract of documents relating to the seizure and imprisonment of Steven Richardson, by Rhode Island — and of Mr. Joseph Clarke, by Connecticut; 286

XXVII. Record of a meeting of the Council — approving the answers to queries of the Committee for Trade — protest against Rhode Island — appropriation for the redemption of Wm. Harris; July 15, 290 (1679)

XXVIII. Letter from the Committee for Trade and Plantations, enclosing Heads of Inquiry concerning Connecticut; August 1 p. 291

XXIX. Heads of Inquiry, sent to Connecticut p. 292


XXX. Answers to the foregoing Queries; July 15 p. 294

XXXI. The Governor and Council to the Lords of the Council, transmitting the answers, &c.; July 15 p. 300

XXXII. The Governor and Council to the Secretary of State — pleas of right to the Narragansett lands; July 15 p. 302

XXXIII. Secretary Allyn to William Bluthwayt — respecting William Harris — the Narragansett lands, &c.; September 21 p. 303

XXXIV. Governor and Council to William Harris — enclosing a copy of his commission and instructions — testimony about Narragansett river, &c.; October 2 p. 304

XXXV. Governor and Council to Capt. Winthrop and other proprietors of Narragansett lands; November 22 p. 305

XXXVI. Richard Wharton, for the Narragansett proprietors, to John Allyn; December 14 p. 306


XXXVII. Governor and Council to the Commissioners of the Customs — acknowledging receipt of instructions for enforcing the Acts of Navigation and Trade, &c.; January 24 p. 307

XXXVIII. Articles of agreement with Uncas, sachem of the Mohegans; May 18 p. 309


XXXIX. Joseph Dudley to Secretary Allyn — death of Paul Dudley — Edward Randolph’s commission — proposes that the united colonies shall appoint agents to England; February 9, 311

XL. The General Court to the Governor of New York — respecting encroachments on the western borders; May 11 p. 313

XLI. Daniel Wetherell to Gov. Leete — about pirates in Long Island Sound — Mr. Isaac Arnold’s sloop taken, &c.; July 25, p. 314

XLII. Governor and Council to Mr. Wetherell — in reply to the preceding; July 28 p. 316

XLIII. The Magistrates of New Haven county, to Gov. Leete — advising that a vessel be sent out to take the pirates; August 5, 316

XLIV. Minutes of the examination of four privateers, or pirates, at Hartford; August 8 p. 318


XLV. Abstract of commission, proceedings and report of the Commissioners for inquiring into claims to the Narragansett country; April-October p. 320

XLVI. Letter from King Charles II. — ordering search to be made for William Kelso, surgeon-general to the forces in the late rebellion in Scotland, &c.; September 30, 1682, (received June 15,) p. 322

XLVII. Deposition of Francis Branson, enclosed in the foregoing — to admissions of William Kelso, when on shipboard; January 4, 1680-1 p. 323

Order in Council for the apprehension of Kelso; March 22, 1681-2, 323

XLVIII. Statement made to the Commissioners, by the agents of the colony, in support of the claim to Narragansett; August 23, 324

XLIX. Governor and Council, to Gov. Dongan, congratulating him, on his safe arrival — complaining of the exercise of authority, by New York, in Eye, Stamford and Greenwich; October 5, 326

L. Governor Dongan, in reply — addressed to Secretary Allyn — asserts the Duke’s right by patent to all lands east of Hudson’s River, &c.; October 9 p. 327

LI. The General Court to Gov. Dongan — referring to the settlement of the boundary by the King’s commissioners in 1664, &c.; October 16 p. 328

LII. Governor Dongan to Governor Treat — claims twenty miles east from Hudson’s river — if that is not conceded, all claims to Connecticut river; November 5 p. 329

LIII. Articles of Agreement between Gov. Dongan and the Commissioners of Connecticut, for establishing the boundary line; November 28 p. 330

LIII. (2). The Commissioners for Connecticut to the inhabitants of Rye, informing them that they are annexed to New York; Dec. 3, 332

LIV. Abstract of documents relating to the claim of the Duke of Hamilton — patent of 1635 — petition, 1664 — answer of Connecticut to the King’s commissioners, 1665 — proceedings of the governor and council, December 1683, &c. p. 333


LV. Letter from the King, — enclosing act for restraining and punishing privateers and pirates; March 8 p. 336


LVI. Report of the commissioners and surveyors for laying out the line between Connecticut and New York — ratified, Feb. 23, 337

LVII. Letter from the Lords of the Council, announcing the death of Charles II, and accession of James II.; February 6 p. 339

LVIII. Governor and Council to Sir Leoline Jenkins — James II. proclaimed at Hartford; April 22 p. 340

LIX. Address to the King; April 22 p. 341

LX. Secretary Allyn to Major Peleg Sandford, of Newport — respecting a settlement of his claim against the colony; May 29, 342

LXI Accounts of the Colony Treasurer; October, 1685 p. 342


LXII. Abstract of instructions to William Dyre, surveyor general for America; January 4 p. 344


LXIII. Abstract of instructions from Dyre to Daniel Wetherell, of New London, deputy collector for Connecticut. Complaint and proceedings respecting a seizure of goods at New London; March, 1685-6 p. 344


LXIV. Letter from the King — promising his royal care and protection — impost on tobacco and sugar imported into England — the rebellion in Scotland quelled — the Duke of Monmouth in arms, &c.; June 26, 1685 p. 345

LXV. Edward Randolph’s memorial to the Lords’ committee, praying writs of Quo Warranto against Rhode Island and Connecticut p. 347

LXVI. Articles of misdemeanor, exhibited against Connecticut, by Randolph; July 15 p. 347

LXVII. Order in Council and report for Quo Warrantos, &c.; July 17, 349

LXVIII. E. Randolph’s proposals to the Lords’ committee, for serving the writs of Quo Warranto; August 3 p. 351

LXIX. Randolph to the Lords’ committee, urging the despatch of the writs; August 18 p. 352


LXX. Randolph to Gov. Treat and the council — has two writs against the colony — urges them to anticipate service, by a surrender of the charter; May 27 p. 352

LXXI. Gov. Treat to Gov. Dongan — alludes to Mr. Randolph’s letter — if the charter must fall, it is as easy to fall westward as eastward, &c.; June 14 p. 354

LXXII. Gov. Treat to Gov. Dongan — asks assistance to apprehend and secure a fugitive from justice — Mr. Randolph’s last letter — will be glad of Gov. Dongan’s advice; July 3, 355

LXXIII. First writ of Quo Warranto; July 8, 1685 p. 356

LXXIV. Letter from R. Normansell, for the sheriff of London, enclosing the writ; July 25, 1685 p. 356

LXXV. Second writ of Quo Warranto; July 8, 1685 p. 357

LXXVI. President Joseph Dudley to Gov. Treat — advises early action, to secure annexation to Massachusetts, &c. — Major Pynchon and Capt. Wait Winthrop sent to confer with the Council, at Hartford; July 21,1686 p. 358

LXXVII. Minutes about the Quo Warranto; July, 1686 p. 360

LXXVIII. Minutes of proceedings of the General Court, at the special session of July 28 p. 361

LXXIX. President Dudley to Gov. Treat, (sent by Major Pynchon and Capt. Winthrop;) — urges Connecticut “to lay hold on the last opportunity” to secure annexation to Massachusetts; July 27 p. 363

LXXX. Gov. Treat and Council to President Dudley — will consider his good advice with all seriousness — foresee great difficulties, — and ask to be remembered in his prayers; August 4, 364

LXXXL Gov. Treat to Gov. Dongan — advising him of the service of the Quo Warrantos, and desiring advice — news of seizure of wines, at Penobscot — a pirate on the coast; August 5, 365

LXXXII. Gov. Dongan to Gov. Treat, in reply — persuades to annexation to New York — will consent to any conditions, for the advantage of Connecticut, &c.; August 13 p. 366

LXXXIII. Instructions to Mr. William Whiting, the Colony’s agent in England; August 24 p. 368

LXXXIV. Petition to the King, for the continuance of charter privileges; August 24 p. 370

LXXXV. Reasons for continuing Connecticut a distinct colony; (to accompany the petition;) August 24 p. 372

LXXXVI. Draft of an Address to the King; August p. 374

LXXXVII. Edward Randolph to Gov. Treat — has received another Quo Warranto, against Connecticut — Sir Edmund Andros has arrived — and ‘a door is yet open for submission;‘ Dec. 23, 375

LXXXVIII. Sir Edmund Andros to Gov. Treat — announces his arrival — is authorized to receive the surrender of the charter, &c.; December 22 p. 376


LXXXIX. The General Court to the Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State — addresses have been sent to the King, but no return received — writs of quo warranto served — if the colony is to be annexed to any other government, that of Sir E. Andros will be more pleasing; January 26 p. 377

XC. Sir Edmund Andros to the Governor and Council — offering another opportunity ‘of suitable and dutiful resolves; ‘ February 25 p. 379

XCI. Sir Edmund Andros to Gov. Treat, sent by Capt. Nicholson — does not doubt his loyal and dutiful inclinations — his present course hazards advantages which he might secure for himself and the colony, &c.; February 28 p. 379

XCII. The General Court to Sir Edmund Andros — thankful for his love and care, but as matters are circumstanced must wait the King’s answer to their address; March 30 p. 380

XCIII. Sir Ed. Andros to the Governor and Council — is advised from England of a speedy judgment against the charter — and urges them to accept his Majesty’s favor, &c., without delay; June 13, 381

XCIV. John Saffin to Secretary Allyn — giving reasons for submission, and against adhering to New York; June 14 p. 382

XCV. The Governor and Council to Sir Edmund Andros — the Court had resolved to adhere to their former determination — and to wait his Majesty’s pleasure; June 18 p. 383

XCVI. Mr. William Whiting to Secretary Allyn — had delivered the Address, to the Secretary of State — no return made of the Quo Warrantos — thinks the charter will be lost; June 11 p. 384

XCVII. Same to the same — a rule of court passed for the colony’s appearance next day, or judgment to pass against them; June 14, 384

XCVIII. Same to the same — no information had yet been put in against the colony — a report that they are in favor of a surrender of the charter — if the charter is to be defended money must be sent, &c.; August 9 p. 385

XCIX. Same to the same — no information yet given in — the charter can not be defended without money — will do what he can, &c.; September 21 p. 386

C. Gov. Dongan to the General Court — hears from England, that Gov. Treat and Mr. Allyn favor annexation to Massachusetts — is greatly surprized — thinks the Governor has been imposed upon — advises submission, and doubts not the King will confirm any agreement the colony may make with himself; Oct. 4, 386

CI. Sir Edmund Andros to Gov. Treat — has received orders for annexing Connecticut — shall be at Hartford, next week; October 22 p. 387

CII. Extracts from Bulkeley’s ‘Will and Doom,’ respecting the inauguration of Sir Edmund Andros’s government in Connecticut p. 388

CIII. Commission to Robert Treat, as Colonel; November 7 p. 391

CIV. Sir Edmund Andros to John Allyn — a general thanksgiving — copy of bill for enforcing laws in Connecticut — commissions for himself and other judges — Mr. Joseph Whiting to be clerk of courts — Perry, the post; November 23 p. 392

CV. John West, deputy secretary, to John Allyn — order for public thanksgiving — act for enforcing laws, and settling courts — information wanted about the colony’s debts, and the last rate; November 23 p.393

CVI. Same to the same — enclosing copy of the enforcing act — asks Mr. Allyn’s thoughts thereupon; November 24 p. 394

CVII. John Allyn to John West — the act, no other than was expected — suggests enlarging the jurisdiction of the inferior courts, to £30, and change of days for court of assize — sends account of colony debts — salary — execution of former judgments — asks information of the law respecting intestate estates, in the case of Jonathan Wells, &c.; December 5 p. 395

CVIII. John Allyn to Sir Edmund Andros, on the same matters as the preceding — appointment of a post — encloses letter from Col. Dongan to Gov. Treat; December 5 p. 397

CIX. Lieut. Col. Talcott to Sir Edmund Andros — Gov. Dongan had made a requisition for soldiers to be employed against the French — hopes we may not be engaged in a bloody war, for maintaining litigious boundaries, for the sake of a beaver trade, &c.; December 5 p. 399

CX. Col. Kobert Mason to John Allyn — Mr. Thomas Wells — the law of England respecting the descent of lands; December 14, p. 400


CXI. Order in Council, for levying the Colony Rate; January 4, p. 401

CXII. Order for the execution of former judgments, &c.; January 4, p. 401

CXIII. Laws enacted by Gov. Andros and the Council, p. 402

CXIV. John West to John Allyn — enlarged jurisdiction of the inferior courts — orders for swearing the judges, &c. — copies of laws, sent — wills and inventories, &c.; January 5 p. 436

CXV. Same to the same — death of Lady Andros; January 21, 1687-8, 437

CXVI. Sir Edmund Andros to John Allyn — little news — desires to hear from him — to have regard to the Indians; January 26 p. 438

CXVII. John Allyn to Sir Edmund Andros — the laws published — magistrates sworn — Indians, &c.; January 27 p. 438

CXVIII. John Allyn to John West — is well satisfied — two laws are not received — asks about fees and dues, &c.; January 27 p. 439

CXIX. Sir Edmund Andros to Mr. Allyn — Indians who murdered a man near Norwich, taken; March 23 p. 440

CXX. John West to John Allyn — with copies of acts for additional impost and excise, and for regulating town meetings — local laws no longer in force — form of writs — judges go on circuit next week — act for settling the militia, passed — Col. Shrimpton, Mr. William Browne and Major Smith sworn of the Council; March 24 p. 440

CXXI. Sir Edmund Andros to Mr. Allyn — Gov. Dongan, at Albany — no ship from England, since January — matters with the Indians, not well; March 26 p. 441

CXXII, John West to Mr. Allyn — proclamations for thanksgiving, for the Queen’s pregnancy — Gov. Andros goes eastward next week; April 19 p. 443

CXXIII. Sir Edmund Andros to Mr. Allyn — the Indian murderers to be executed — the excise duty, inconsiderable — is going eastward; April 23, 1688 p. 443

CXXIV. Col. Treat to Sir Edmund Andros — respecting lands reserved for the Poquanuck Indians; May 23 p. 444

CXXV. John West to Mr. Allyn — enlargement of dominion by addition of New York, talked of, &c.; June 20 p. 446

CXXVI. William Whiting to Mr. Allyn, — respecting a settlement of accounts; June 29 p. 446

CXXVII. Order of Gov. Andros and Council, at New York, for the execution of an act for raising additional revenue; August 20, p. 447

CXXVIII. Sir Edmund Andros to Major Nathan Gold — Indians killed at Spectacle Ponds, and Northfield — watch and ward to be kept in the out places — if mischief is done, the actors to be pursued to effect; August 25 p. 448

CXXIX. Sir Edmund Andros to John Allyn — is returned from Albany to New York — about to leave for Boston, and wishes to meet the Connecticut magistrates, &c. at Hartford — the Indians to be kindly treated; October 1 p. 449

CXXX. John Allyn to Sir Edmund Andros respecting the organization of the Hartford county militia; October 15 p. 450

CXXXI. Sir Edmund Andros to Mr. Allyn — Indian hostilities at the eastward — a man killed at Cape Porpus; October 16 p. 451

CXXXII. Thomas Trowbridge, of New Haven, to Gov. Andros — respecting the appointment of a sheriff; October 22 p. 452

CXXXIII. John West to John Allyn — Gov. Andros returned to Boston — the council sensible of their mistake, in sending forces to the eastward, &c.; October 29 p. 452

CXXXIV. Orders to Lieut. Col. John Allyn to detach sixty men, from the Hartford County regiment, for the defence of the upper towns on Connecticut river; November 1 p. 453

CXXXV. Capt. Francis Nicholson to Lieut. Col. Allyn, from New York — all quiet — thinks the report of Indian hostilities, a trick of the French — ship arrived from England — war between France and Holland, &c; December 4 p. 454


CXXXVI. The Revolution in Connecticut — extracts from Bulkeley’s Will and Doom, and Letter to the convention of May 8th; 455

CXXXVII. Capt. Jona. Bull’s Report from Albany — the mayor and council studious to keep all intelligence from the people — the people transported at the news of the revolution — Major Baxter leaves for New York — conference with the Maqua sachems — their propositions; June 1 p. 460

CXXXVIII. Address to the King, [not presented ;] June 13 p. 463

CXXXIX. Capt. Jacob Leisler to Major Nathan Gold — has taken possession of the fort at New York — incloses the declaration of the trainbands, — advises that an agent be sent to England wishes that New York may be included in the Connecticut charter, &c.; June 7 p. 466

CXL. The General Court to Capt. Leisler, in reply — advise that the Fort be kept tenable and well manned — that no Roman Catholics be suffered to keep arms — send commissioners to confer with and advise him, &c.; June 13 p. 467

CXLI. Gov. Bradstreet and the Council of Massachusetts to Governor Treat and the Council — Andros has escaped from the castle — hopes to see delegates from Connecticut to consult and advise, &c.; August 3 p. 468

CXLII. Letter from Mr. William Whiting — has not presented the General Court’s address to the King — another address has been substituted — the charter acknowledged to be good — Sir Henry Ashurst recommended as the colony’s agent; August 12 p. 469

Extracts from the Records and Files of the Commissioners of the United Colonies

The acts and proceedings of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, transcribed from the original minutes attested by their signatures, were “at large set down in the books of their records, whereof every colony had one.”[1]Winth. Jour. II., 246. Two, only of these copies are preserved, — that of Connecticut, and that which formerly belonged to Plymouth colony, now in the Secretary’s office of Massachusetts. The latter was copied by Mr. Hazard, for publication in his second volume of State Papers, in 1794, and is soon to be again published, (as a portion of the Plymouth colony records,) by authority of the State of Massachusetts. The Connecticut copy is in good preservation. Its collation with such of the original minutes as have been preserved, attests its general accuracy; and it comprises the records of several meetings of the commissioners which are omitted from the Plymouth copy; namely, the informal meeting at Plymouth, September, 1652; the special meeting at Hartford, August, 1673; meetings at Hartford, September, 1678; at Boston, August, 1679 ; and at Hartford, September, 1684. Of these, only the three last mentioned fall within the period comprised in this volume; but it has been thought best to insert, with them, the records of the earlier meetings not found in the Plymouth copy or published by Mr. Hazard; and to incorporate such letters and reports, belonging to the files of the Commissioners, as are preserved in the Connecticut archives.

In transcribing for publication, it has not seemed advisable to retain the ortho-graphic peculiarities, contractions, &c., of the manuscript record, which is itself a copy, by various hands, of original minutes few of which are now preserved.


1Winth. Jour. II., 246.

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