History of Danielsonville, Connecticut

The borough of Danielsonville was created by an act of assembly in May, 1854. The boundaries given in the charter are as follows, comprising parts of the towns of Killingly and Brooklyn: ” Beginning at a stake and stones southeast of the Kies tavern, so called, thence north 19¢ degrees east, four hundred and twenty-five rods, to a heap of stones on the north side of the road leading east from the house of David Fisher; thence north 67 degrees west, two hundred and four rods to a white oak tree on the north side of the road leading from Westfield to the house of Jacob Danielson, a little east of the bridge over Five Mile river; thence north 524 degrees west, thirty-eight rods on the north side of said road to a turn in the same; thence north 70 degrees west, eighty rods, to a heap of stones by a wall in Jacob Danielson’s meadow; thence south 184 degrees west, four hundred and seventy-three rods and twelve links, to a stake and stones eight rods southwest of the Cundall barn; thence south 71} degrees east, three hundred and seven rods and five links, to the first mentioned bound.” The officers of the borough were to consist of a warden, six burgesses, a clerk, treasurer and bailiff, to be annually chosen on the second Monday in April. By the terms of the charter the first meeting of the borough was held at Rothwell’s Hall, July 8th, 1854. Rothwell’s Hall is now C. H. Bacon’s furniture store.

In form the borough is nearly square; the easterly line is 425 rods long, the westerly line 473 rods, the southerly line 30,7 rods, and the northerly line 322 rods. It contains 883 acres, including ponds, rivers and all surfaces. The total length of streets in the borough is nine miles and seventy-four rods, all but 289 rods of which are on the Killingly side. In July, 1868, the legislature amended the charter so as to give the borough the supervision of street repairs, but in May, 1881, this right was relinquished to the towns. The streets were -first named by the borough authorities May 22d, 1862, and the sidewalks laid out and established. The borough hall was built in May, 1868, at a cost of $2,700, the lot on which it stood costing $300 additional. The growth of the borough may be inferred from the following statistics. The number of houses and amount of taxable property in the borough at different dates have been as follows: 1855, 195, $176,680; 1862, 216, $225,156; 1867, 248, $862,589; 1870, 299, $1,104,426; 1875, 341, $1,131,895; 1880, 367, $1,129,563; 1884, 378, $1,215,786; 1889, 428, $1,350,110. There are in the borough fortyseven buildings, exclusive of dwellings, used as stores, school houses, churches, mills, shops and manufacturers. In 1861 the population of the borough was 2,190. In 1885 it was 3,215. Of the last number the population on the Brooklyn side was 1,140, while that of the Killingly side was 2,075. Of the population of the borough Americans number 1,866, and French number 1,346. Of the Americans there are 267 on the Brooklyn side and 1,599 on the Killingly side. Of the French population there are 873 on the Brooklyn side, and 476 on the Killingly side. Of the American population in the borough there are 831 males and 1,035 females. Of the French population there are 582 males and 767 females. Of the American population 674 are under 21 years of age, and of the French population 872 are under 21 years of age.

The wardens of the borough have been as follows: George Danielson, 1854; A. D. Lockwood, 1855; Horatio Webb, 1856-61; W. C. Tucker, 1862; E. L. Cundall, 1863-64; Samuel Hutchins, 1865; L. H. Rickard, 1866, Abner Young, 1867-68; Anthony Ames, 1869; B. F. Chapman, 1870-71; George Leavens, 1872-73; E. R. Burlingame, 1874; L. H Rickard, 1875-76; B. A. Bailey, 1877; Anthony Ames, 1878; L. H. Rickard, 1879; Thomas J. Evans, 1880; William H. Chollar, 1881, M. P. Dowe, 1882: Joshua Perkins, 1883-85; George Jencks, 1886; Frederick A. Jacobs, 1887: Sidney W. Crofut, 1888-89.

The borough clerks have been as follows: Amasa Dove, 1854 -56; Joshua Perkins, 1857-62; O. P. Jacobs, 1863-68; M. P. Dowe, 1869-71; C. N. Capron, 1872-75; C. H. Keach, 1876-80; E. L. Palmer, 1881-87; C. C. Young, 1888-89. The borough treasurers were William B. Tobey, 1854-55; William B. Knight, 1&56-57; Joshua Perkins, 1858-62; O. P. Jacobs, 1863-68; M. P. Dowe, 1869-71; H. N. Clemons, 1872-73; C. N. Capron, 1874-!75; C. H. Keach, 1876-SO; E. L. Palmer, 1881-87; C. C. Young, 1888-89.

The borough at a very early date gave attention to protecting its people and their property against accidental fires. It was voted October 16th, 1854, that a fire engine should be purchased. The engine was purchased in Troy, N. Y., March 19th, 1855, at a cost of $990, and the burgesses named it the” Quinebaug.” April 4th, 1855, the borough voted to purchase 500 feet of leather hose at SO cents a foot. Minnetexit Fire Company was organized July 11th, 1855, and the name of the engine was changed to ” Minnetexit,” to correspond. A hook and ladder company was organized August 15th, 1855, with ten ladders and hooks, and the borough voted to purchase 300 feet of leather hose. Trucks for ladders and hooks were purchased in July, 1873, at a cost of $500. The steam fire engine, ” Gen. Putnam,” was purchased March 14th, 1878, of the Silsby Manufacturing Co., of Seneca Falls, N. Y., at a cost of $3,550.

In order to provide means for the successful operation of this apparatus the borough voted to build ten cisterns, August 21st, 1866; and September 15th, 1882, voted to build two more on the Brooklyn side, the first ten being on the Killingly side. These were built in the following locations: 1. Corner Mechanic and Academy streets; 2. Main street near Congregational church; 3. Main street near Logee’s bakery; 4. Corner Main and North streets, near B. F. Chapman’s; 5. Corner Mechanic and Oak streets, near William A. Chase’s; 6. Reynolds street, near Thomas Bradford’s; 7. Cottage street, near Bond street, near Loren Bates’; S. Corner Furnace and Franklin streets, near M. V. Woodworth’s; 9. Broad street, near Christian hill; 10. Corner `V inter and Spring streets, near Anthony Ames’; 11. Main street (Brooklyn side), near J. K. Green’s; 12. Same street, near William Chapman’s.. No. 1 contained 447 hogsheads and cost about $500. The remaining eleven had each a capacity of 250 hogsheads, and cost $300 each. The borough is about to be supplied with water by the Crystal Water Company, of Boston, who are now at work putting in the pipes to supply the streets with water. A conduit from a reservoir, about three miles northeast of the borough, brings water down to the village, and another reservoir, on a bill near the village, is being constructed for high pressure purposes, to be used in cases of fire. This will give a pressure of seventy-five pounds to the square inch at the railroad crossing on Main street.

Street lights were established in May, 1882. The lamps and lamp posts, ninety-four in number, cost $7.25 each, and are owned by the borough. The burners are owned by the Globe Gas Light Company, who hold patents upon them. The lamps are lighted by this company for six cents per burner per night, for twenty nights every month. The Quinebaug Company owns and lights six gas lamps for the borough on the same terms, making a round hundred lamps lighted at the expense of the borough. Electric lights are now being talked of, and negotiations are pending which will probably give the borough the benefit of them very soon, perhaps by the time this work comes into the hands of its readers.

The village is named after a Mr. Danielson who built a grist mill at this place many years ago, some notice of which has already been given in another chapter. The present village is the growth of but half a century. In that time it has gained a remarkable degree of maturity. Its streets are well laid out, handsomely shaded and lined with neat and homelike residences, though but few of them are gorgeous in appearance. Upon the completion of the Norwich & Worcester railroad the depot became the central point about which the village was destined to grow up. Business and manufacturing began on the opposite side of the river, but came over to the railway station, where now we find a large number of stores, churches, hotels, banks and other institutions. The principal industrial support of the village is its manufacturing interest.

The largest establishment in this line, the Quinebaug mills, it is said furnishes the means of support for about one-third of the inhabitants of the village. The Quinebaug here is a powerful stream, and the Assawaga joins it at this point, in the lower part of the village. Very substantial bridges have been built over these streams at this place. An iron bridge over the Quinebaug was built a few years since, at a cost of about $9,000, the expense of which was divided between the towns of Killingly and Brooklyn. Mr. Ezekiel R. Burlingame was first selectman at the time and was instrumental in having it built. A stone arch bridge was built over the Assawaga, near its junction with the Quinebaug, at a cost of $5,000. This bridge was completed in the early part of 1889.

In the great flood of 1886 this town did not suffer so heavily as some other towns did, but the event was one which is not soon to be forgotten. An account given at the time draws the following picture:

“As long as they live, the youngest people of the present generation will never forget the exciting experiences of the great freshet of February, 1886. Early Friday evening the pouring warm rain upon the large amount of snow on the streets of the village, and the fields and roads in the vicinity, brought apprehension of a severe freshet to many minds, especially to the agents and others connected with the manufacturing corporations. By 10 o’clock Main street and the sidewalks were a river. At the corner of Spring street and near the Monument the water was high enough to cover rubber boots, and pedestrians who were out at that late hour reached their homes in the west part of the village with difficulty. Saturday morning the walks on either side of Main street were covered with light clay that must have come from a considerable distance.

” At early daylight a tide of people began to move toward the iron bridges across the Five Mile river, where the mad rushing waters seemed bent on the greatest possible amount of damage. Hundreds of people were at this spot all day, and one seemed fascinated as the surging tide rushed against the abutments and swept in a wild current over the dam, then under the bridges and dashed against the rocky impediments below. One crowd would leave the spot and move on to the Quinebaug river, where even a more fascinating spectacle would meet the eyes of the spectators, only leaving space for other groups; and so the procession kept passing through the day. The mills were stopped on account of back water, and in fact business of all kinds seemed to be suspended in the village for the day.

“Early in the day Selectman Burlingame sent a party out for two long timbers, and these were joined to the upper iron bridge by heavy chains, and this precaution was not taken any too soon, for in a few hours one side of that bridge began to settle. These heavy timbers alone saved it, and probably both, for if one had gone the other would probably have followed it. The loss will be only hundreds of dollars instead of thousands by this timely move.

“In the Quinebaug river the volume of water was immense, and as cakes of ice, wood and other heavy things struck the piers and embankments of that long bridge, there seemed danger that it might succumb to the furious assault, and that communication between Danielsonville and Brooklyn people-who have so many interests in common-would be imperiled for a season. And the danger began to be more, imminent as the waters began to make a perceptible breach in the northwest embankment. By evening half of this embankment, reaching back more than a dozen feet, had been swept away, and the north side of the bridge hung over the river without any apparent support. The break, however, stopped, and the .bridge is saved, to the surprise and gratification of the people of both towns. About noon, Saturday, the foot bridge across the Quinebaug river, belonging to the Quinebaug Company, after quivering for a time from the attack of ice, etc., gave way, and the debris went on its rapid course toward Long Island Sound. Water entered the old Tiffany Mill, belonging to the Quinebaug Company, until it was nearly three feet deep in the first story.”

Great interest has been taken in the public schools of this village. Two graded schools are in operation, one in each town. Commodious brick buildings have been erected, one in each district. The borough on the east side of the Quinebaug is District No. 1, of Killingly, while that part of the borough which lies west of the river is No. 9, of Brooklyn. In the former there are about 537 scholars, and in the latter 347. The school in No. 1 is accommodated in a handsome brick building, built in the summer of 1871 at a cost of about $25,000. A high school, which is carried on in this building, belongs to the whole town, and receives pupils from any district in the town without charge. The high school was opened December 6th, 1871, and the first class graduated from it in 1872. Up to the present time the total number of graduates has been 119. This school, including the graded school connected with it in the same building, employs ten teachers. The school in District No. 9, in Brooklyn, has an attendance of about three hundred, and employs five teachers. The building is a handsome brick structure, and was erected about the same time or a little previous to the other. The capacity of these schools is hardly sufficient for the growth of the village, but they will be relieved by the opening of the Catholic parochial school, which is to accommodate a large percentage of the foreign population.

Under the supposition that the remnant of the church which had worshipped in the Breakneck meeting house would recognize and allow their minister to hold services in it, some enterprising persons built a meeting house in the western part of Killingly, in 1798. But being disappointed in their expectations, they proceeded to organize a church in the western locality and cut loose from the old church. Doctor Penuel Hutchins and Mr. Robert Howe gave the building site for this new house. The organization of the church was effected by a council, of which Reverend Josiah Whitney was moderator, August 25th, 1801. It was called the Church of West Killingly. The following were its constituent members: Zadoc Spalding, Boaz Stearns, Abigail Stearns, Zadoc Hutchins, James Danielson, Penuel Hutchins, Samuel Stearns, Shubael Hutchins, Elizabeth Hutchins, Mary Stearns, Sarah L. Danielson, Hannah Spalding and Anna Kies. The first pastor of the church was Gordon Johnson of Farmington, ordained December 12th, 1804. It made but slow advances for several years. The only additional members during its first eleven years of existence were the pastor and four women.

Mr. Johnson was dismissed from the pastorate in 1809. His successor, Reverend Roswell Whitmore, son of an old Killingly family that had removed to Ashford, was ordained January 13th, 1813. Mr. Whitmore was a man of much life and energy, ready to engage in any form of Christian labor, and the church was rapidly built up. James Danielson and Shubael Hutchins were installed deacons in March, 1813. For many years the church increased in proportion to the growth of the surrounding villages, and enjoyed many seasons of special religious interest.

Its Sabbath school was among the oldest in the county, being organized and well established in 1820. Isaac T. Hutchins, one of some fifty converts who joined the church that year, was elected superintendent. Testaments furnished by the town Bible society-served for text book and library. The sessions were chiefly occupied in reciting Scripture verses that had been committed to memory. The revival of 1832 brought into this church about one hundred and fifty members. Adam B. Danielson and Warren Stearns were chosen deacons in 1828. The various benevolent societies connected with this church -were well sustained. Mr. Whitmore retained the pastorate until May 2d,-1843. He was succeeded by Reverend Thomas O. Rice, ordained January 1st, 1845, and dismissed March 25th, 1856. Reverend Thomas T. Waterman was installed as pastor here January 18th, 1858, and dismissed January 30th, 1861. Reverend William W. Davenport was ordained August 21st, 1861, dismissed September 30th, 1868. Reverend Jeremiah Taylor was installed May 12th, 1869, and dismissed December 30th, 1871. Reverend Adelbert F. Keith was installed October 13th, 1874. and dismissed May 15th, 1877. Reverend James Dingwell has been pastor from December 1st, 1877, to the present time.

Stowell L. Weld, William H. Chollar and John Waldo were elected deacons March 27th, 1862. Elisha Danielson was elected deacon April 13th, 1866: John D. Bigelow December 28th of the same year; and Joseph W. Stone January 13th, 1875. The second meeting house, the present house of worship, was built in 1855.

A new pipe organ, costing about $4,000, was’ put into the church in 1887. A parsonage was built about the year 1876. The present membership of the church is about 350.

The beginnings of the Methodist Episcopal church of Danielsonville are traced to the little workshop of a shoemaker, who located in this neighborhood when the village was yet in its early infancy. Attracted by the sign of this artisan, an itinerant preacher on his rounds called to ask a night’s lodging. Thus, in the autumn of 1839, Reverend John Lovejoy, while on his way from Lowell to New London, -was the guest of Marcus Childs, and here he preached and formed a class. The names of those enrolled in this class were Edwin Dunlap, Julia J. Dunlap (wife of the former), Hearty Douglass, Chloe Childs and Fidelia Frizzell. A tradition is also preserved that Reverend Mr. Lovejoy had once, as early as the year 1830, preached in a house belonging to Jared Brainard, which stood near the old Furnace Lot.” Of the progress of this early class little is known, but in September, 1840, Reverend Hezekiah Thatcher, of the Plainfield circuit, preached and formed a class ,of thirteen members, whose names were as follows: Edwin Dunlap (who was appointed leader), Julia J. Dunlap, Hearty Douglass, Jared Brainard, Maria Brainard, Parmelia Brainard, Othniel Young, Eliza Young, Harriet Young (later the wife of John H. Keech), Mary Young, Marcus Childs, Chloe Childs and. John H. Keech. Calvin Brainard, Charles H. Brainard and a Miss Cummings joined it soon after. Edwin Dunlap, the first leader, continued in that position, with the exception of about one year, until his death, which took place October 26th, 1873..

Reverend Hezekiah Thatcher, who formed the class, was engaged in fulfilling a contract to carry the mail from Plainfield to Canterbury, and while in the discharge of that duty, on the 4th of July, 1841, while in the act of crossing the railroad, just above the Plainfield depot, he was struck by the locomotive, and received injuries from which he died, after lingering in an unconscious condition about twenty-four hours.

Previous to June, 1342, Reverend Azariah B. Wheeler of Plainfield, and Reverend Stephen Hammond preached here more or less regularly to the Methodist people, services being held in a school house, which has since been converted into a dwelling house, standing on the corner of Furnace and Cottage streets. Later meetings were held in the ” Conference room,” and in a freight house and in “Tavern Hall.” While using the freight house for meetings a great revival was experienced, and some sixty persons were converted. The name of Reverend Stephen Hammond is mentioned with great respect in connection with the early history of this church. He was a practical blacksmith living at Pomfret, and being a local preacher, served this church with unselfish devotion, earnest effort and but very insignificant financial compensation.

Steps were now taken toward the erection of a house of worship. Captain Samuel Reynolds offered a very eligible site, which was accepted, and the erection of the house commenced, under the efficient direction of General L. E. Baldwin, now of Willimantic. The contract being made July 4th, 1842, the building was completed, and dedicated on the 30th of September following. The whole cost, amounting to $3,200, was provided for in advance by the sale of slips and voluntary subscriptions. This house is still in use by the church, occupying its original site. The church was organized in 1842, while the circuit was in charge of Reverend George May. The house of worship was enlarged in 1851, and in the following year a vestry was finished under the west end of the building. At that time the membership reached one hundred and sixty-seven. During the years 1867 and 1868 the church was repaired and a new bell was added, the expense of all amounting to about eight thousand five hundred dollars. The membership at that time had increased to one hundred and eighty-five. A parsonage was built on the church lot about 1873, and a pipe organ added to the furniture of the church about the same time. The cost of the former was nearly four thousand dollars and the value of the latter about one thousand.

At the anniversary of the first forty years of existence of this church, which was celebrated with much enthusiasm in 1882, it was learned that during the period spoken of the church had raised for church and benevolent purposes $59,250. It had gained a church property valued at $18,500; organized an adult missionary society in 1848, and a juvenile society in the following year; raised for missionary uses $3,179.56; paid into the treasury of the American Bible Society enough to give more than a thousand Bibles to the destitute; gathered over seven hundred children into the Sabbath school, the number at one time swelling as high as three hundred; had eight hundred conversions under its care; received six hundred and ninety members to its communion, the greatest membership at any one time being two hundred and twenty-four. The pastors during this period were as follows; 1841, Stephen W. Hammond; 1842, George May; 1843-4, John Howson; 1845-6, Benjamin C. Philps; 1847-8, John Livsey; 1849-50, Samuel W. Coggeshall: 1851-2, Sidney W. Dean; 1852, Henry S. White; 1853-4, Lorenzo Dow Bentley; 1855-6, W. S. Simmons; 1857-8, Lorenzo W. Blood: 1859-60, George W. Brewster; 1861-2, Anthony Palmer; 1863-4, Carlos Banning; 1865-6, William H. Stetson; 1867-8, George W. Brewster; 1869, Norris G. Lippitt; 1870-71, Shadrach Leader; 1872-4, George E. Fuller; 1875-6, George W. Anderson; 1877, Norris G. Lippitt; 1878, S. Olin Benton; 1879, R. W. C. Farnsworth; 1880-81, Robert Clark; 1882-85, Joseph H. James; 1885-87, John Oldham; 1887-89, F. L. Hayward; 1889, G. A. Morse.

Services according to the Episcopal forms were held in a hall for some time previous to 1863. Reverend Mr. Wellman officiated in this missionary work. Reverend Charles C. Adams followed him, about 1864, remaining until 1866, during which time steps were taken to obtain a house of worship. The West Killingly Academy, an institution which had been blessed with but a limited degree of prosperity and was now for sale, was purchased of the proprietors by John V. Lewis, July 31st, 1865, for $1,400, including about three-fourths of an acre of ground. It stood where it now stands, at the head of Academy street, and on the east side of Broad street. The lot and building were transferred from Lewis to C. C. Adams, December 2d, 1865, for $1,300; and by the latter it was transferred to the Trustees of Donations and Bequests for the use and. benefit of the First Ecclesiastical Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the town of Killingly known as St. Albans’ church, December 21st, 1866, for the sum of $3,000. By this time the church was in good working order, and the building was probably occupied during that year, the necessary changes and improvements in the interior having been made. Reverend W. N. Ackley officiated as rector from 1866 to 1870. He was followed by Reverend George Coggeshall, whose term of service extended from December, 1870, to July, 1871. Reverend Alfred S. Rice commenced his service here in June, 1872, and continued for a year or two. He was followed by Reverend Arthur T. Parsons, of whose coming we have not the date. He closed his pastorate about 1882, and then for about two years the church was without a pastor. Reverend George R. Warner became rector in July, 1884, and remained until May, 1889. He was followed in June, 1889, by Reverend Cornelius G. Bristol, of Milford, Conn. The church at present has about eighty communicants.

The Baptist church of Danielsonville has a handsome Gothic and Queen Anne house of-worship on the corner of Broad and Academy streets. The church was organized February 5th, 1874. Sometime in the April preceding, Reverend R. Turnbull, D. D., superintendent of the work of the Connecticut Baptist State Convention, visited Danielsonville in company with Reverend Charles Willett, who had shortly before closed his pastorate of the Baptist church in Putnam; the purpose of their visit being to decide on the advisability of organizing a church. They decided that much had been lost already on account of delay, and that steps should be immediately taken to gather the Baptists together and form a society.

Liberty Hall, conveniently located on Oak street, was secured, and the first meeting was held May 11th; 1873, at which Doctor Turnbull preached. A good congregation was in attendance and by a nearly unanimous vote decided that they desired a Baptist church, and a committee consisting of Henry Westcott, Daniel G. Sherman, William M. Johnson and W. W. Woodward, was appointed to secure a place for meeting and make all necessary arrangements for regular services. For this purpose the hall already mentioned was obtained. Doctor Turnbull preached again the following Sunday, and after that the work was left to the care of Reverend Mr. Willett, who preached Sundays and hunted up Baptists during the week. The mission proved very successful, and on February 5th, 1874, at a meeting called for the purpose, forty-two persons constituted themselves a Baptist church. At a subsequent meeting March 5th, 1874, the following officers were elected: W. W. Woodward, clerk; Henry Westcott, William Johnson and H. A. Brown, prudential committee; and on March 25th, the church was publicly recognized as a Baptist church, by a council composed of delegates from the Baptist churches of East Killingly, Putnam, Brooklyn, Willimantic, Packerville, Union Plainfield, and the following ministers, who were present by special invitation: Reverends R. Turnbull, D. D., Hartford; J. P. Brown, New London; R. Bennett and C. P. Borden, Central Thompson; and J. W. Dick, Woodstock. The recognition sermon was preached by Reverend John Davies, of Norwich, and the prayer of recognition was by Reverend T. Terry, of Brooklyn.

From the time of its organization the growth of the church has been steady and substantial, there having been additions to its membership every year of its existence. The present membership is about two hundred. It has had but three pastors. Reverend Charles Willett continued as missionary pastor until March 28th, 1875. Reverend William C. Carr was called to the pastorate in June, 1875, began his labors October 10th, and was ordained November 11th. His pastorate continued until May 6th, 1883. In October of the same year Reverend F. L. Knapp, the present pastor, was called, and commenced his work with the church on January 6th, 1884.

The church continued to worship in Liberty Hall until May 4th, 1879, when the present house was dedicated. The building is a very attractive and convenient structure, and seats 350. It has two vestries, one of which can be readily opened into the audience room, giving an additional capacity of about 150. The house is also supplied with baptismal font, robing rooms, etc. It has two beautiful memorial windows, one contributed by Mr. H. F. and Miss A. E. Westcott, in memory of their. father and mother, Henry and Almira Westcott. There is also a beautiful window contributed by the Sunday school.

Special mention should be made in this connection of Mr. Henry Westcott, without whose hearty interest and liberal gifts the church would hardly have been organized or its attractive house have been built. His death occurred before the house was completed, but not until he had contributed fully one-half of the entire cost. Shortly after his death, in a letter to the annual meeting of the Ashford Baptist Association, occurs this testimony: ” From the first, he, more than anyone else has borne our young church upon his heart, and supported it with his influence, his sympathy and his means, and his loss is more to us than we can express in words.”

The Second Advent church was organized in 1858, as the result of a protracted meeting, held by Elders Miles Grant, of Boston, and S. G. Mathewson, who came to this place at the invitation of Doctor Daniel Jones. Soon after this a man by the name of Brown built a chapel for the sect. This was located on Winter street, and is now a part of the St. James Catholic church, the building being sold soon after the death of Mr. Brown. The church after that held services in Rothwell Hall for a time. In 1866 the present chapel on Academy street was built, under the direction and by efforts of Elder H. F. Carpenter, who was pastor of the church at two different times. Elders William Fenn, James Hemenway, Marshall Phettyplace, C. W. Dockham, W. N. Tenney and A. S. Williams have served the church as pastors, and a considerable part of the time the church has had temporary supplies for a few Sundays at a time. Elder Dockham was pastor three years, closing his labors November 2d, 1884. He was succeeded by Elder W. N. Tenney, who served from December 5th, 1884, to May 2d, 1886. Elder A. S. Williams was pastor from December 1st, 1886, to April 1888. The membership of the church, reaching nearly one hundred at one time, has been reduced by death and removals, until it is now only about thirty-five. Several notable revivals have visited the church, an important one being conducted by Mrs. E. L. Crumb, ten or twelve years ago.

St. James’ Roman Catholic church had its beginning here in the labors of Father McCabe, a Franciscan monk from Ireland, who was the pioneer priest of this county. Jesuit missionaries from Boston had visited this region occasionally, passing through perhaps two or three times a year, and saying mass in the towns on the way. The mission of Father McCabe extended beyond this county as far as Colchester. He began his work here in 1851. The first mass said by Father McCabe was in a house on Franklin street, by Five Mile river. Afterward services were held in Bacon’s Hall. Father McCabe died in Danielsonville, about 1863. John Quinn succeeded him as pastor of this church. Father Quinn made his residence at Moosup, and this church then became a mission. The Second Advent chapel, and the lot upon which it stood, were private property, and were now purchased by Father Quinn, of Sally D. Brown, August, 29th, 1864, and that became the nucleus of St. James’ church, as it is to-day, the Advent chapel being the transept of the present structure. The front part of the building was added during the pastorate of Father Quinn, who also bought additional land adjoining on the north, of Elisha Chamberlin, July 3d, 1869. This extended to the corner of Hutchins and Mechanic streets, and the parochial residence was soon after built upon it by Father Quinn. In September, 1869, Father Princen, a Belgian priest, followed as parish priest of St. James. The cemetery ground, comprising several acres, a short distance northwest of the church, was bought by Father Quinn, and in November, 1870, this and the church lots were transferred by him to St. James’ Catholic church. Father Princen built the sanctuary and vestry to the church. He remained here until his death, which occurred in April, 1883. Father Preston (Thomas J.) began his pastorate-in 1883, and is still in charge. He has had the church remodelled and renovated, and in 1886 cleared of a debt amounting to about $6,000, since which time the church has been free of debt. He has had erected at a cost of about $11,000, including lot, a building for a parochial school. The lot, which contains about two and one-half acres, was purchased of Betsey H. Ely, March 7th, 1877. A handsome building, two story and mansard roof, has been erected upon it, and the school will open in September, 1889. Six teachers, besides the principal, will be employed, and the school will accommodate about 350 pupils. It will be conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. All the modern languages will be taught, as well as fancy work, drawing and music. English will be the prominent language in the school. Protestant children will-be admitted free to the common branches as well as Catholic children, and to the higher branches and the languages by the payment of the necessary fees.

There are in the parish of St. James about 1,300 French Canadians and 500 Irish. Hampton and Brooklyn are both missions of this church. Mass is said in the town hall at the latter place. Another mission is maintained at Chestnut hill, where there are about 150 French and a few Irish. Mass is said there in a hall. In Brooklyn and Hampton missions there are about 250 Irish. There are connected with the church several societies. A St. John Baptist Society numbers about 100; a society of the Knights of Columbus has 53 members; the Children of Scapular Society numbers 60; the society of the Children of Mary has about 70 young ladies; a St. Ann’s Society has 51 members; a St. Alyosious Society contains a membership of 40; and an Infant Jesus Society contains about 150 children.

The First National Bank of Killingly was organized in 1864. It commenced business June 2d, of that year, with a capital of $55,000. It commenced its banking business September 1st, 1864. Its officers then were Hon. Elisha Carpenter, president, and H. N. Clemons, cashier. It soon doubled its capital, making its limit $110,000, which remains unchanged at the present time. The first board of directors were Elisha Carpenter, Arnold Fenner, Henry Hammond, Abner Young, William Dyer, Harvey S. Bartlett, Edwin Ely, George Leavens, John Atwood. The president of the bank was the same as at the beginning until September 13th, 1864, when he removed to Hartford, and Arnold Fenner was elected to take his place. He continued as president till January 10th, 1871. From that date to the present time, Henry Hammond has filled the position. The office of cashier has suffered no change from the beginning. The present board of directors are Henry Hammond, Abner Young, Silas Hyde, H. N. Clemons, William H. Chollar, William A. Johnson, Lorin Bates, R. R. James, T. E. Hopkins. July 2d, 1888, the bank paid its forty-fifth dividend. Up to that time it had paid to its stockholders in dividends $220,000, just double the amount of its capital. The amount of its deposits November 3d, 1888, teas $112,322.32. The bank occupies elegant rooms in the Music Hall building, on the second floor, over the post office.

Windham County Savings Bank was incorporated in May, 1864. Its incorporators were William James, George Danielson, Edwin Ely, Orville M. Capron, Hezekiah L. Danielson, Samuel Reynolds, Horatio Webb, Willard Leavens, Freeman James, Edwin Dunlap, Henry Hammond, John Snow, Jr., William Alexander, ‘Marvin A. Dexter, Amos D. Lockwood, Daniel P. Tyler, Elisha Danielson, William B. Wright, Lysander Warren, William Humes, Frederick P. Coe, Henry Hutchins. The first officers, elected July 26th, 1864, were: William James, president; Henry N. Clemons, secretary and treasurer. The president continued in office till July 11th, 1870, when George Danielson was elected to that office. He was followed by William H. Chollar, July 29th, 1875. Hezekiah Danielson was made president August 3d, 1875. John G. Bigelow became president July 10th, 1876, continuing until he was succeeded by William H. Chollar, the present incumbent, July 13th, 1885. The office of secretary and treasurer has been filled by the following: Henry N. Clemons, July 26th, 1864, to August 3d, 1875; William H. Chollar, to July 10th, 1876; Anthony Ames, to July 13th, 1886; Chauncey C Young, to the present time. Anthony Ames is vice-president, and the following are trustees: Lysander Warren, Samuel S. Waldo, Rowland R. James, Edward H. Jacobs, Sidney W. Crofut, Thomas J. Evans, James Perkins. The first deposit was made September 17th, 1864. The last report shows the total number of depositors, 2,029, and the total deposits $530,198.63. The bank occupies a room in the building on the west side of Main street, which was built by the bank soon after the commencement.

Danielsonville can boast of one of the finest buildings for public entertainments that can be found in Windham county. Music Hall was built by a joint stock company, organized under the general state law, the shares being $25 each. The building was erected in 1876. The capital stock of the company was $20,000, but the building was erected at a cost of $38,000. It has a handsome front of pressed brick, with iron facings, pillars, projections and ornaments. The audience room, which is on the ground floor, easy of access, has stage and gallery, and will seat 800 persons. When John B. Gough lectured in it there were 1,000 persons in it, by some dint of crowding. It has movable chairs, so that the floor can be easily cleared for any purpose that requires it. The building is three stories high, with another story in the Mansard roof. The ground floor in front is occupied by a store on one side and post office on the other side of the entrance hall. The second floor is occupied by the Killingly National Bank and offices. The third floor is occupied by Armory Hall, and in the fourth story or Mansard roof is Grand Army Hall. The ground covered by the building is about 60 by 130 feet.

The People’s Library is an institution in which the intelligent people of the village take considerable interest. It was started as a Young Men’s Library about thirty-five years ago. From small beginnings it has increased in size until it now has about 2,500 volumes. It has a room on the second floor of Music Hall building, and is kept open during certain hours of certain days of the week. It is supported by funds raised by membership fees and dues. The association has three classes of members: life members, who pay $3 for admission and 50 cents annually, and are entitled to vote; annual members, who simply pay 50 cents a year; and honorary members, who are made so on payment of $15. The last two have rights to the use of books, but not to vote. The association has a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and a board of six directors. Mrs. Anthony Ames has for several years been its librarian.

The Quinebaug Manufacturing Company’s mills, in the southern part of this village, are one of the largest manufacturing establishments in the county. They are delightfully situated on the right bank of the beautiful Quinebaug river, on elevated ground, and are surrounded by nearly two hundred well constructed and nice looking brick tenement houses. Their grounds cover more than ninety acres, and from the windows of the various buildings the view is enchanting. The mills proper are designated as No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1, or the oldest mill, was built by Mr. Tiffany, the father of the celebrated New York jeweler, over a half century ago. It has lately, however, been entirely reconstructed, with new machinery throughout. This mill is of wood, and is the first one approached from the town. No. 2 is of stone, is a massive structure, and with its great wings and extensions, covers a large amount of ground. It would require a large amount of space to describe all the interesting details-we will have to generalize. The dimensions of the latter named mill are as follows: main building, 343 by 48 feet; south wing, 160 by 52 feet; picker house, 93 by 41 feet; west addition, 122 by 48 feet; north wing, 152 by 48 feet; roller shop, 124 by 20; weave shed, 450 by 102. No. 1 mill is 200 by 30 feet in area, and has a power of 100 horses, while No. 2 has that of 900 horses. These works are run by water power, but steam engines of equal power as named for water are on hand in case of necessity. There are 54,736 spindles and 1,400 looms, and the number of employees is about 800, the pay rolls of whom amount to over $19,000 every four weeks. The number of yards manufactured per year is over 3,000,000, and consists of sheetings of different widths and weights.

This company was incorporated in 1851, and the present officers are: R. C. Taft, president; John W. Danielson, treasurer; B. A. Bailey, agent. The nominal capital is $500,000, and the stock is mostly owned in Providence. Mill No. 2 was built over twenty-five years ago. This company own a large store, which has for its customers others beside the operatives. The operatives are all paid in cash, and there are but about one-third who .avail themselves of the discount, for all are at liberty to trade where they will. About three-quarters of the operatives of this great corporation-the Quinebaug Company–are French Canadians, one-eighth are Irish, and the balance scattering. They all seem contented and happy, and we learned from the residents of the town that they are an orderly and thrifty class.

The Quinebaug Grist Mill is located at the junction of the Five Mile river with the Quinebaug. It was established by the Quinebaug Company in 1879, is run by water, and has a storage capacity of 15,000 bushels. It is supplied with improved machinery for the manufacture of buckwheat flour. During the season about 1,000 bushels of this grain a week are ground up.

In 1852 Eleazar Baker came to this town from Massachusetts, .and began the manufacture of reeds at Dayville. In 1854 he moved the business to Danielsonville. In 1858 he sold the business to William S. Short, who ran the same till his death in 1865. Mr. Baker then re-purchased the business and continued in it until November, 1870, when he sold it to R. S. Lathrop. The latter in 1881 built a brick mill on the east bank of the Five Mile river, near the railroad station, where the business has been continued since that time. It is still owned by Mr. Lathrop’s heirs, and is now managed by his son, H. V. Lathrop.

The Danielsonville Cotton Company’s works are situated between the Quinebaug and the Five Mile rivers. They consist of three mills proper, and are a continuation of the Danielsonville Company, founded over seventy years ago. One of the mills, called the old one, is a frame building, erected in 1816, and is still used for various purposes. The stone structure about seventy feet distant from the first named, and on the same side of the street, was built later, while the large brick mill opposite was constructed in 1868. This mill is 219 by 78 feet, four stories and a basement. The picker room is 63 by 43 feet, two stories. The boiler house adjoining is 40 by 40 feet, and the engine room 18 by 52 feet. The office is 31 by 42 feet, two stories and basement. The motive power is furnished by water, the facilities having a capacity available to the extent of 350 horse power. Steam engines are also in reserve in case of need. The present company was organized in 1880, and they have a capital of $175,000. The officers are: B. B. Knight, president; Jeffrey Hazard, treasurer, and A. J. Gardiner, superintendent. In these mills are 17,024 spindles and 384 looms. They manufacture prints, sheetings and shirtings. About 4,500,000 yards are turned out annually. About 300 hands are employed. The establishment in general indicates the presence and direction of a master hand, and such we find in the business qualifications and courteous manners of its superintendent.

The Assawaga Mill of E. Pilling & Co. is on School street, nearly across the block, in rear of the Attawaugan House. It is now called the Aspinock Knitting Company. It employs about forty hands in the manufacture of seamless half hose and other knit goods, cotton and woolen. It is furnished with 50 knitting machines. The business was started in the spring of 1883. The mill is well supplied with the most improved kinds of machinery, and the reputation of the work is built upon a careful and honest foundation.

Near the last mentioned are the works of Messrs. E. H. Jacobs & Co., manufacturers of loom harness, belting and hose. The works were a few years since removed to this place from Pawtucket, R. I. The mill has an area of 5,000 square feet of floor surface. Making and repairing leather belting, loom strapping, pickers and mill supplies in general, are among the branches of work done. The ” Challenge ” hose carriage, a very popular apparatus all over New England, is manufactured here. About one hundred sets per day of finished loom harness are also manufactured here.

The Quinebaug Brick Company hail from Danielsonville, though their works are about two miles from the village center, in the town of Brooklyn. They make some four million bricks annually, which are shipped from Danielsonville by railroad to points in southern New England. The bricks are reckoned as first quality in all respects, as the fact that they are used in some of the largest manufacturing and storage buildings and other important structures, abundantly testifies. Sabin L. Sayles is president of the company; Hon. Charles A. Russell, treasurer; Charles R. Palmer, resident agent, and George Benjamin, overseer.

The principal hotel of this village is the Attawaugan, a house of liberal proportions and well furnished appointments. It was built in 1856. The first-.manager was Henry Peckham, who ran it a few months. Since that time it has been run by the present proprietor, Lewis Worden. The house has forty-one large and well lighted lodging rooms, and its arrangements in general are excellent and commodious.

Moriah Lodge, No. 15, is the lineal descendant of the old Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons which we have already noticed in connection with Canterbury, where. its principal early headquarters were. The lodge had the honor of being Number 1, that is, the first lodge instituted in the state of Connecticut. It was instituted in 1790. At first it had what was called a roving charter, which allowed it to move about and hold meetings in different towns to accommodate circumstances. In its early membership it embraced some of the leading men of the county, which are more particularly mentioned in connection with Canterbury. At the time of the Morgan excitement, a remarkable era in Masonic history, the charter was given up and action of the lodge suspended for a few years. Afterward it was revived, but the honorable number was lost, and the lodge was numbered 15. Its home for many years has been in Danielsonville, where it now meets in a room in the Exchange Building. The present officers are: 11. A. Shumway. W. M.; George R. Warner, S. W.; A. P. Somes, J. W.; F. T. Preston, treasurer; Anthony Ames, secretary; E. W. Hayward, S. D.; John W. Day, J. D.; Hosea E. Green, S. S.; George C. Foote, J. S.; E. L. Palmer, chaplain; H. F. Clark, marshall; E. S. Carpenter, tyler; J. F. Seamans, 0. W. Bowen and F. W. Franklin, auditors.

Growing out of this lodge are Warren Chapter, No. 12, Royal Arch Masons, and a council of R. & S. Masters. The chapter was chartered in 1812. Its present officers are: M. A. Shumway, 11. E. H. P.; George R. Warner, E. K.; Henry F. Clark, E. S.; F. T. Preston, treasurer; J. F. Seamans, secretary; H. H. Green, C. of H.; C. E. Hill, P. S.; F. A. Shumway, R. A. C.: Jarvis Wallen, 3d veil; C. H. Frisbie, 2d veil; E. W. Scott, Jr., 1st veil; E. S. Carpenter, tyler; H. H. Green, C. H. Keach, H. F. Clark, auditors. Montgomery Council, No. 2, Royal and Select Masters, was chartered in 1818. Their present officers are: H. H. Green, T. I. 11.: C. E. Hill, I. D. M.; M. A. Shumway, I. P. C.; F. T. Preston, treasurer; J. F. Seamans, R.; H. F. Clark, C. of G.; F. A. Shumway, C. of C.; C. H. Keach, steward; Reverend George R. Warner, chaplain; E. S. Carpenter, sentinel; W. E. Hyde, H. F. Clark, E. L. Palmer, auditors.

McGregor Post, No. 27, G. A. R., was organized at Danielsonville, July 1st, 1868. Its charter members were: Frank Burroughs, S. C. Chamberlin, H. 0. Bemis, D. S. Simmons, P. G. Brown, A. F. Bacon, C. W. James, Charles Burton, H. B. Fuller, H. K. Gould. The first officers were as follows: Frank Burroughs, C.; S. C. Chamberlin, S. V. C.; S. M. Howard, J. V. C.; H. B. Fuller, adjutant; G. W. Bartlett, Q. M.; E. M. Eldridge, chaplain. The office of commander has been held by the following persons: Frank Burroughs, David 11. Colvin, U. B. Schofield, William E. Hyde, D. S. Simmons, E. J. Mathewson, William E. Hyde, Frank Burroughs, E. S. Nash, H. F. Clark, B. E. Rapp, S. M. Woodward, Charles Burton, J. W. Randall, H. F. Clark. The post has a commodious room in Music Hall building. Its present membership is sixty-four. The present officers are: H. F. Clark, C.; Nathan Seaver, S. V. C.; T. H. Stearns, J. V. C.; S. M. Woodward, adjutant; U. B. Scofield, Q. M.; L. B. Arnold, surgeon; Reverend James Dingwell, chaplain.

Quinebaug Lodge, No. 34, I. 0.0. F., was instituted at Danielsonville, February 13th, 1889. The charter members were: Newton Phillips, Walter F. Bliven, John B. Hopkins, C. F. Chapman, Reuben Pilling, Jr., A. A. Boswell, A. W. Dean, John H. Perry, James P. Carver, Henry E. Baker, John E. Bassett, Frank A. Prince and Edward Fairman. The lodge meets on Tuesday nights, in Knights of Pythias Hall, in the Savings Bank building. The officers elected for this, the first year, were:’ Newton Phillips, N. G.; Frank Prince, V. G.; Walter Bliven, secretary; John E. Bassett, treasurer; A. W. Dean, R. S. N. G.; John Perry, L. S. N. G.; Henry Baker, R. S. V. G.; James B. Carver, L. S. V. G.; Reuben Pilling, Jr., W.; A. A. Boswell, C.; Charles Chapman, R. S. S.; W. DeLoss Wood, L. S. S.; J. B. Hopkins, I. G.: Frank Willard, O. G.

Orient Lodge, No. 37, Knights of Pythias, was instituted here December 19th, 1877. The charter members were: E. L. Palmer, T. W. Greenslit, C. H. Bacon, N. W. James, W. N. Thomas, F. A. Jacobs, H. F. Logee, F. P. Warren, C. E. Woodis, O. L. Jenkins, A. J. Ladd, S. L. Adams and C. L. Fillmore. The first officers were: E. L. Palmer, P. C.; T. W. Greenslit. C. C.; C. H. Bacon, V. C.; N. W. James, P.; A. J. Roberts, M. of E.; W. N. Thomas, 11. of F.; F. A. Jacobs, K. of R. & S.; H. F. Logee, M. at A.; F. P. Warren, I. G.; C. E. Woodis, O. G. The present membership is about fifty. The numbers have been depleted by the formation of John Lyon Lodge, at Dayville, in 1888, their membership withdrawing from this lodge. The trustees are F. A. Jacobs, C. H. Bacon and N. W. James. The lodge meets on Thursday evenings, at their hall in Savings Bank building.

Etna Lodge, No. 21, A. O. U. W., was instituted here June 21st, 1883, with sixteen charter members. The first officers were: A. P. Somes, P. M. W.; A. G. Bill, M. W., C. E. Woodis, foreman; C. A. Potter, overseer; E. Pilling, recorder; B. L. Bailey, financier; F. B. Brooks, receiver; C. M. Adams, guide; A. F. Wood, I. W.; F. G. Bailey, O. W. The following have successively held the office of M. W.: A. G. Bill, balance of 1883; C. E. Woodis, 1884; C. M. Adams, 1885; R. A. Bailey, 1886; A. P. Somes, 1887; C. H. Bacon, 1888; Irving Hawkins, 1889. The following have been successive recorders: E. Pilling, to January 1st, 1885; F. B. Brooks, 1885 and 1886; C. H. Bacon, 1887; A. P. Somes, 1888; F. U. Scofield, 1889. The lodge now numbers fifty-three. It has lost but one member since its organization-Hosea Green, who died March 5th, 1889. The lodge meets the first and third Wednesday nights of each month, in Knights of Pythias Hall.

Lockwood Council, No. 33, O. U. A. M., was organized here May 9th, 1889. It was named in honor of A. D. Lockwood, formerly of this village, chief owner and founder of the Quinebaug Mills. The council was organized with thirty charter members. It gives sickness and death benefits to its members. The membership has been already increased to forty. The first officers were: Charles E. Woodis, C.; Walter E. Heath, V. C.; Walter E. Kies, J. Ex. C.; William H. Hamilton, S. Ex. C.; Charles D. Stone, R. S.; George R. Baker, A. S.; Albert Burrows, F. S.; Edward S. Carpenter, treasurer; Adelbert Perkins, inductor; E. G. Baker, examiner; J. J. Rynolds, I. P.; R. J. Coon, O. P.; U. B. Scofield, C. C.. Franklin and W. E. Heath, trustees.

Quinebaug Assembly, No. 209, Royal Society of Good Fellows, an insurance order, was instituted February 4th, 1889, by Albert Leavens, supreme deputy of Boston. The first officers were: William H. Wilcox, ruler; Doctor W. H. Judson, past ruler; John E. Westcott, instructor; Charles A. Wood, councillor; Charles D. Stone, secretary; E. C. Babson, F. S.; Frank S. Downer, treasurer; Charles C. Franklin, prelate; Henry A. Brown, director; W. F. Oates, guard; Frederick G. Oates, sentry; W. H. Leavens, John T. Smith and Doctor W. H. Judson, trustees. The society had twenty-two charter members, and this number has increased to over thirty, a part of which are from Wauregan. Funds to meet insurance are provided by assessments. The headquarters of the order are in Boston. It has many very prominent men among its membership. Doctor W. H. Judson, in May, 1889, received a commission as supreme deputy over this jurisdiction, which comprehends Windham county.

The first newspaper in this village was called the New England Arena, and was started by Edwin B. Carter in 1844. He had already made some attempts at newspaper publishing in Brooklyn, which he now abandoned for this field. But this enterprise was doomed to early dissolution. In 1848 the Windham County Telegraph was started here. The True Democrat and the Windham County Gazette were also started here about the same time, but they were short lived. After a fluctuating existence of some ten years, under the successive, if not successful, management of Francis E. Jaques, its founder, Fred. Peck, F. E. Harrison, J. A. Spalding and C. J. Little, it was sold to J. Q. A. Stone, in 1858. Mr. Stone, by hard labor, careful management and unfaltering perseverance, has brought the paper up from a list of four hundred circulation to a position of influence and usefulness second to none in the county. It has been the earnest exponent of the great progressive movements in which the welfare of society has been concerned, and in its advocacy of the tight it has not made obeisance to questions of personal profit or advancement. It is a neatly printed, nine column folio, issued every Wednesday evening. A paper called the Herald lived a few years, and was succeeded by the Sentinel, a democratic newspaper, which, after a few years, suspended. The New England Fancier is the title of a neat monthly publication, in pamphlet form, 24 pages, which was started in 1885. It is devoted to poultry. It circulates in every state and territory, and in France and England. From the same office is issued a neat four column, quarto paper, devoted to both poultry and dogs, which is called Hamilton’s Weekly, started in 1.889. The Kennel Department of this is edited by A. R. Crowell of Mattapan, Mass. Both these papers are published by William H. Hamilton. The job printing office with which they are connected has an extensive patronage of poultry and association printing from all parts of the country, and employs from six to ten hands. Mr. Hamilton is an honorary member of the Massachusetts Poultry Association, which is largely composed of business and professional men of Boston and vicinity. He is also an active member of the American Poultry Association, and one of the originators and vice-president of the American Langshan Club, which has its headquarters in Bellows Falls, Vt., and officers in different parts of the Union.

The Wauregan Brick Company has its post office address in Danielsonville, though its works are mainly on the southern border of the town of Killingly, or over the line in the town of Plainfield. Work was commenced there in 1886. The company was organized under the general joint stock law, in 1886. The works are located on the line of railroad, so that no carting is required. The machinery is run by steam. About 3,000,000 bricks are annually made, about 35 hands being employed in the work. The officers of the company are: George H. ‘Nichols, president; Milton A. Shumway, secretary; John Elliott, treasurer.

Source: History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889

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